RCW 28B.140.005 Policy. It is the policy of the state to encourage basic and applied scientific research by the state’s research universities. The creation of knowledge is a core mission of the state’s research universities, and research provides teaching and learning opportunities for students and faculty. State-of-the-art facilities for research by research universities serve to […]
RCW 28B.140.010 Scope of authority. The University of Washington and Washington State University each may: (1) Acquire, construct, rehabilitate, equip, and operate facilities and equipment to promote basic and applied research in the sciences; (2) Borrow money for such research purposes, including interest during construction and other incidental costs, issue revenue bonds or other evidences […]
RCW 28B.140.020 Financial responsibility of university—No state general fund obligation. The governing body of a university financing facilities and equipment under this chapter shall give due regard to the costs of maintaining and operating such facilities and equipment during the useful lives of the facilities and equipment. No state appropriated funds may be used for […]
RCW 28B.140.030 Authority of chapter—Supplemental. The authority granted by this chapter is supplemental to any existing or future authority granted to the University of Washington and Washington State University and shall not be construed to limit the existing or future authority of these universities. [ 2002 c 151 § 4.]
RCW 28B.140.900 Reports to the legislature. Before January 31st of each year, the University of Washington and Washington State University must report to the ways and means committee of the senate and the capital budget committee of the house of representatives on the financing arrangements entered into under the authority of this chapter. [ 2002 […]