RCW 28B.142.005 Finding—Intent. The legislature hereby recognizes that the University of Washington and Washington State University will require additional methods of funding to meet the universities’ educational and research missions and remain competitive in a challenging environment. State appropriations are sufficient to meet only a portion of these research universities’ funding requirements. The state authorizes […]
RCW 28B.142.010 Bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness—University of Washington and Washington State University. The board of regents of the University of Washington and Washington State University may issue bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness for any university purpose. The board of regents of the University of Washington and Washington State University may obligate all […]
RCW 28B.142.020 Reports. The University of Washington and Washington State University must report annually to the ways and means committee of the senate, the capital budget committee of the house of representatives, and the office of the state treasurer on any bonds, notes, and other evidences of indebtedness issued under this chapter as a part […]
RCW 28B.142.030 Bonds, notes, evidences of indebtedness—University of Washington—Refinancing. The board of regents of the University of Washington may issue bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness under this section for the purpose of refinancing real and personal property acquired by the University of Washington during the period between August and October 2006. The board […]
RCW 28B.142.040 Authority of chapter—Supplemental. The authority granted by this chapter is in addition and supplemental to any previously granted or future authority granted to the University of Washington or Washington State University and shall not be construed to limit the existing or future powers or authority of these universities, including without limitation the authority […]