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Home » US Law » 2022 Revised Code of Washington » Title 36 - Counties » Chapters » Chapter 36.53 - Ferries—Privately Owned.

36.53.010 – Grant of license—Term.

RCW 36.53.010 Grant of license—Term. The board of county commissioners may grant a license to keep a ferry across any lake or stream within its county, upon being satisfied that a ferry is necessary at the point applied for, which license shall continue in force for a term to be fixed by the commissioners not […]

36.53.020 – Licensing tax.

RCW 36.53.020 Licensing tax. The county legislative authority may charge such sum as may be fixed under the authority of RCW 36.32.120(3) for such license, and the person to whom the license is granted shall pay to the appropriate county official the tax for one year in advance. [ 1985 c 91 § 2; 1963 […]

36.53.030 – To whom license granted—Notice of intention if nonowner.

RCW 36.53.030 To whom license granted—Notice of intention if nonowner. No license shall be granted to any person other than the owner of the land embracing or adjoining the lake or stream where the ferry is proposed to be kept, unless the owner neglects to apply therefor. Whenever application for a license is made by […]

36.53.040 – Notice of application to be posted.

RCW 36.53.040 Notice of application to be posted. Every person intending to apply for a license to keep a ferry at any place shall give notice of his or her intention by posting up at least three notices in public places in the neighborhood where the ferry is proposed to be kept, twenty days prior […]

36.53.050 – Bond of licensee.

RCW 36.53.050 Bond of licensee. Every person applying for a license to keep a ferry shall, before the same is issued, enter into a bond with one or more sureties, to be approved by the county auditor, in a sum not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, conditioned that such person […]

36.53.060 – Duties of licensee.

RCW 36.53.060 Duties of licensee. Every person obtaining a license to keep a ferry shall provide and keep in good and complete repair the necessary boat or boats for the safe conveyance of all persons and property, and furnish such boats at all times with suitable oars, setting poles, and other implements necessary for the […]

36.53.070 – Duties of licensee—Duties as to ferriage—Liability for nonperformance.

RCW 36.53.070 Duties of licensee—Duties as to ferriage—Liability for nonperformance. Every person obtaining a ferry license shall give constant and diligent attention to such ferry from daylight in the morning until dark in the evening of each day, and shall, moreover, at any hour in the night, if required, except in cases of imminent danger, […]

36.53.080 – Rates of ferriage.

RCW 36.53.080 Rates of ferriage. Whenever the board of county commissioners grants a license to keep a ferry across any lake or stream, it shall establish the rates of ferriage which may be lawfully demanded for the transportation of persons and property across the same, having due regard for the breadth and situation of the […]

36.53.090 – Commissioners may fix and alter rates.

RCW 36.53.090 Commissioners may fix and alter rates. The boards of county commissioners may fix, alter, and establish from time to time, the rates of ferriage to be levied and collected at all ferries established by law, within or bordering upon the county lines of any of the counties in this state. [ 1963 c […]

36.53.100 – Rates to be posted.

RCW 36.53.100 Rates to be posted. Every person licensed to keep a ferry shall post up, in some conspicuous place near his or her ferry landing a list of the rates of ferriage which are chargeable by law at such ferry, which list of rates shall at all times be plain and legible and posted […]

36.53.110 – Order of ferriage—Liability for nonperformance.

RCW 36.53.110 Order of ferriage—Liability for nonperformance. All persons shall be received into the ferry boats and conveyed across the stream over which a ferry is established according to their arrival thereat, and if the keeper of a ferry acts contrary to this regulation, the keeper shall forfeit and pay to the party aggrieved the […]

36.53.120 – Grant exclusive.

RCW 36.53.120 Grant exclusive. Every person licensed to keep a ferry under the provisions of RCW 36.53.010 through 36.53.140 shall have the exclusive privilege of transporting all persons and property over and across the stream where the ferry is established, and shall be entitled to all the fare arising by law therefrom: PROVIDED, That any […]

36.53.130 – Revocation of license.

RCW 36.53.130 Revocation of license. If any person licensed to keep a ferry fails to pay the taxes assessed thereon when due, or to provide and keep in good and complete repair the necessary boat or boats, with the oars, setting poles, and other necessary implements for the service thereof, or to employ a sufficient […]

36.53.140 – Penalty for maintaining unlicensed ferry.

RCW 36.53.140 Penalty for maintaining unlicensed ferry. Any person who maintains any ferry and receives ferriage without first obtaining a license therefor shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each offense, to be collected for the use of the county, by suit before any district judge having jurisdiction, and any person may bring such […]

36.53.150 – Interstate ferry—County may contribute to—Grant of permit to operator.

RCW 36.53.150 Interstate ferry—County may contribute to—Grant of permit to operator. Whenever the board of county commissioners of any county determines that the construction or maintenance of a ferry in a state adjoining such county or connecting such county with the adjoining state is of necessity or convenience to the citizens of the county, the […]