RCW 36.58A.010 Authorized—Conditions—Modification or dissolution of district. Any county legislative authority may establish solid waste collection districts within the county boundaries for the mandatory collection of solid waste: PROVIDED, That no such district shall include any area within the corporate limits of any city or town without the consent of the legislative authority of the […]
RCW 36.58A.020 Hearings upon establishing, modification or dissolution of district—Notice—Scope. The county legislative authority proposing to establish a solid waste collection district or to modify or dissolve an existing solid waste collection district shall conduct a hearing at the time and place specified in a notice published at least once not less than ten days […]
RCW 36.58A.030 County legislative authority determination required to establish district—Commission findings as to present services. No solid waste collection district shall be established in an area within the county boundaries unless the county legislative authority, after the hearing regarding formation of such district, determines from that hearing that mandatory solid waste collection is in the […]
RCW 36.58A.040 County may collect fees of garbage and refuse collection company—Disposition of fees—Subrogation—Lien. If any garbage and refuse collection company certified by the utilities and transportation commission which operates in any solid waste collection district fails to collect any fees due and payable to it for garbage and refuse collection services, such company may […]