RCW 36.74.010 Assumption of rights, powers, functions, and obligations authorized. Any city or county in which a transportation benefit district has been established pursuant to chapter 36.73 RCW with boundaries coterminous with the boundaries of the city or county may by ordinance or resolution of the city or county legislative authority assume the rights, powers, […]
RCW 36.74.020 Ordinance or resolution of intention to assume rights, powers, functions, and obligations—Adoption—Publication—Hearing. (1) The assumption of the rights, powers, functions, and obligations of a transportation benefit district may be initiated by the adoption of an ordinance or a resolution by the city or county legislative authority indicating its intention to conduct a hearing […]
RCW 36.74.030 Declaration of intention to assume—Abolition of city or county governing body—Transfer of rights, powers, immunities, functions, and obligations to city or county. (1) If, after receiving testimony, the city or county legislative authority determines that the public interest or welfare would be satisfied by the city or county assuming the rights, powers, immunities, […]
RCW 36.74.040 Existing rights, actions, proceedings, etc., not impaired or altered. No transfer of any function made pursuant to this chapter may be construed to impair or alter any existing rights acquired under chapter 36.73 RCW or any other provision of law relating to transportation benefit districts, nor as impairing or altering any actions, activities, […]
RCW 36.74.050 Rules and regulations, pending business, contracts, obligations, validity of official acts. (1) All rules and regulations and all pending business before the board of any transportation benefit district transferred pursuant to this chapter must be continued and acted upon by the city or county. (2) All existing contracts and obligations of the transferred […]
RCW 36.74.060 Reports, books, records, etc.—Funds, credits, assets—Appropriations or federal grants. (1) All reports, documents, surveys, books, records, files, papers, or other writings relating to the administration of the powers, duties, and functions transferred pursuant to this chapter and available to the transportation benefit district must be made available to the city or county. (2) […]
RCW 36.74.070 Debts and obligations. The city or county must assume and agree to provide for the payment of all of the indebtedness of the transportation benefit district, including the payment and retirement of outstanding general obligation and revenue bonds issued by the transportation benefit district. [ 2015 3rd sp.s. c 44 § 307.] NOTES: […]