RCW 36.83.010 Service districts authorized—Bridge and road improvements—Powers—Governing body. The legislative authority of a county may establish one or more service districts within the county for the purpose of providing and funding capital and maintenance costs for any bridge or road improvement or for providing and funding capital costs for any state highway improvement a […]
RCW 36.83.020 Establishment—Notice, hearing—Termination of proceedings—Modification of boundaries—Dissolution. (1) A county legislative authority proposing to establish a service district shall conduct a hearing at the time and place specified in a notice published at least once, not less than ten days prior to the hearing, in a newspaper of general circulation within the proposed service […]
RCW 36.83.030 Excess ad valorem property taxes authorized. (1) A service district may levy an ad valorem property tax, in excess of the one percent limitation, upon the property within the district for a one-year period whenever authorized by the voters of the district pursuant to RCW 84.52.052 and Article VII, section 2(a) of the […]
RCW 36.83.040 General obligation bonds, excess property tax levies authorized—Limitations. (1) To carry out the purpose of this chapter, a service district may issue general obligation bonds, not to exceed an amount, together with any other outstanding nonvoter approved general obligation indebtedness, equal to three-eighths of one percent of the value of taxable property within […]
RCW 36.83.050 Local improvement districts authorized—Assessments—Special assessment bonds and revenue bonds—Limitations. (1) A service district may form a local improvement district or utility local improvement district to provide any local improvement it has the authority to provide, impose special assessments on all property specially benefited by the local improvements, and issue special assessment bonds or […]
RCW 36.83.060 Bonds—Form. Where physical bonds are issued pursuant to RCW 36.83.040 or 36.83.050, the bonds shall be printed, engraved, or lithographed on good bond paper and the manual or facsimile signatures of both the treasurer and chairperson of the governing body shall be included on each bond. [ 1983 c 130 § 6.]
RCW 36.83.070 Bonds—Use of proceeds. (1) The proceeds of any bond issued pursuant to RCW 36.83.040 or 36.83.050 may be used to pay costs incurred on such bond issue related to the sale and issuance of the bonds. Such costs include payments for fiscal and legal expenses, obtaining bond ratings, printing, engraving, advertising, and other […]
RCW 36.83.080 Gifts, grants, and donations. A service district may accept and expend or use gifts, grants, and donations. [ 1983 c 130 § 8.]
RCW 36.83.090 Eminent domain. A service district may exercise the power of eminent domain to obtain property for its authorized purposes in the manner counties exercise the powers of eminent domain. [ 1983 c 130 § 9.]
RCW 36.83.100 Commissioners—Appointment—Terms—Vacancies—Compensation—Powers. If the county legislative authority establishes a road and bridge service district, it shall promptly appoint three persons who are residents of the territory included in that service district to serve as the commissioners of the service district. For counties having an elected executive, the executive shall appoint those commissioners subject to […]
RCW 36.83.110 Election to retain commissioners—Referendum petition. Any registered voter residing within the boundaries of the road and bridge service district may file a referendum petition to call an election to retain any or all commissioners. Any referendum petition to call such election shall be filed with the county auditor no later than one year […]
RCW 36.83.120 Removal of commissioner. For neglect of duty or misconduct in office, a commissioner of a service district may be removed by the county legislative authority after conducting a hearing. The commissioner must be given a copy of the charges at least ten days prior to the hearing and must have an opportunity to […]
RCW 36.83.130 Improvements—Ownership. Any road or bridge improvements financed in whole by funds of a service district, including but not limited to proceeds of bonds issued by a service district, shall be owned by that service district. Improvements financed jointly by a service district and the county or city within which the improvements are located […]
RCW 36.83.140 Local service district fund. If a service district is formed, there shall be created in the office of the county treasurer, as ex officio treasurer of the service district, a local service district fund with such accounts as the treasurer may find convenient or as the state auditor or the governing body of […]
RCW 36.83.900 Liberal construction. The rule of strict construction does not apply to this chapter, and this chapter shall be liberally construed to permit the accomplishment of its purposes. [ 1983 c 130 § 10.]