RCW 36.86.010 Standard width of right-of-way prescribed. From and after April 1, 1937, the width of thirty feet on each side of the center line of county roads, exclusive of such additional width as may be required for cuts and fills, is the necessary and proper right-of-way width for county roads, unless the board of […]
RCW 36.86.020 Minimum standards of construction. In the case of roads, the minimum width between shoulders shall be fourteen feet with eight feet of surfacing, and in the case of bridges, which includes all decked structures, the minimum standard shall be for H-10 loading in accordance with the standards of the state department of transportation. […]
RCW 36.86.030 Amendment of standards—Filing. Road and bridge standards may be amended from time to time by resolution of the county legislative authority, but no standard may be approved by the legislative authority with any minimum requirement less than that specified in this chapter. Two copies of the approved standards shall be filed with the […]
RCW 36.86.040 Uniform standard for signs, signals, guideposts—Railroad grade crossings. The county legislative authority shall erect and maintain upon the county roads such suitable and proper signs, signals, signboards, and guideposts and appropriate stop, caution, warning, restrictive, and directional signs and markings as it deems necessary or as may be required by law. All such […]
RCW 36.86.050 Monuments at government survey corners. The board and the road engineer, at the time of establishing, constructing, improving, or paving any county road, shall fix permanent monuments at the original positions of all United States government monuments at township corners, section corners, quarter section corners, meander corners, and witness markers, as originally established […]
RCW 36.86.060 Restrictions on use of oil at intersections or entrances to county roads. No oil or other material shall be used in the treatment of any county road or private road or driveway, of such consistency, viscosity or nature or in such quantities and in such proximity to the entrance to or intersection with […]
RCW 36.86.070 Classification of roads in accordance with designations under federal functional classification system. From time to time the legislative authority of each county shall classify and designate as the county primary road system such county roads as are designated rural minor collector, rural major collector, rural minor arterial, rural principal arterial, urban collector, urban […]
RCW 36.86.080 Application of design standards to construction and reconstruction. Upon the adoption of uniform design standards the legislative authority of each county shall apply the same to all new construction within, and as far as practicable and feasible to reconstruction of old roads comprising, the county primary road system. No deviation from such design […]
RCW 36.86.090 Logs dumped on right-of-way—Removal—Confiscation. Logs dumped on any county road right-of-way or in any county road drainage ditch due to hauling equipment failure, or for any other reason, shall be removed within ten days. Logs remaining within any county road right-of-way for a period of thirty days shall be confiscated and removed or […]
RCW 36.86.100 Railroad grade crossings—Obstructions. Each railroad company shall keep its right-of-way clear of all brush and timber in the vicinity of a railroad grade crossing with a county road for a distance of one hundred feet from the crossing in such a manner as to permit a person upon the road to obtain an […]