RCW 46.01.011 Purpose. The legislature finds that the department of licensing administers laws relating to the licensing and regulation of professions, businesses, and other activities in addition to administering laws relating to the licensing and regulation of vehicles and vehicle operators, dealers, and manufacturers. The laws administered by the department have the common denominator of […]
RCW 46.01.020 Department created. A department of the government of this state to be known as the “department of licensing” is hereby created. [ 1979 c 158 § 114; 1977 ex.s. c 334 § 2; 1965 c 156 § 2.] NOTES: Effective date—1977 ex.s. c 334: See note following RCW 46.01.011.
RCW 46.01.030 Administration and improvement of certain motor vehicle laws. The department is responsible for administering and recommending the improvement of the motor vehicle laws of this state relating to: (1) Driver examining and licensing; (2) Driver improvement; (3) Driver records; (4) Financial responsibility; (5) Certificates of title; (6) Vehicle registration certificates and license plates; […]
RCW 46.01.040 Powers, duties, and functions relating to motor vehicle laws vested in department. The department is vested with all powers, functions, and duties with respect to and including the following: (1) The fuel tax and aircraft fuel tax as provided in chapters 82.38 and 82.42 RCW; (2) The motor vehicle excise tax as provided […]
RCW 46.01.070 Functions performed by state patrol as agent for director of licenses transferred to department. Functions named in RCW 46.01.030 which have been performed by the state patrol as agent of the director of licenses before June 30, 1965 shall be performed by the department of licensing after June 30, 1965. [ 1979 c […]
RCW 46.01.100 Organization of department. Directors shall organize the department in such manner as they may deem necessary to segregate and conduct the work of the department. [ 1990 c 250 § 16; 1965 c 156 § 10.]
RCW 46.01.110 Rule-making authority. The director may adopt and enforce rules to carry out provisions related to vehicle registrations, certificates of title, and drivers’ licenses. These rules must not be based: (1) Solely on a section of law stating a statute’s intent or purpose; (2) On the enabling provisions of the statute establishing the agency; […]
RCW 46.01.115 Rules to implement 1998 c 165. The department of licensing may adopt rules as necessary to implement chapter 165, Laws of 1998. [ 1998 c 165 § 14.] NOTES: Effective date—1998 c 165 §§ 8-14: See note following RCW 46.52.070. Short title—1998 c 165: See note following RCW 43.59.010.
RCW 46.01.130 Powers and duties of director—Vehicle registration, appointments, branch offices, personnel screening. The director: (1) Shall supervise and control the issuing of vehicle certificates of title, vehicle registrations, and vehicle license plates, and has the full power to do all things necessary and proper to carry out the provisions of the law relating to […]
RCW 46.01.135 Establishment of investigation unit—Use of criminal history information. (1) There is established an investigation unit within the department for the purpose of detection, investigation, and prosecution of any act prohibited or declared to be unlawful in the programs administered by the department. The director will employ qualified supervisory, legal, and investigative personnel for […]
RCW 46.01.140 County auditors, agents, and subagents—Powers and duties—Standard contracts—Rules. (1) County auditor/agent duties. A county auditor or other agent appointed by the director must: (a) Enter into a standard contract provided by the director; (b) Provide all services authorized by the director for vehicle certificates of title and vehicle registration applications and issuance under […]
RCW 46.01.150 Branch offices. The department may maintain such branch offices within the state as the director may deem necessary properly to carry out the powers and duties vested in the department. [ 1965 c 156 § 15.] NOTES: Office of department, maintenance at state capital: RCW 43.17.050.
RCW 46.01.160 Forms for applications, certificates of title, registration certificates, etc. The director shall prescribe and provide suitable forms of applications, certificates of title and registration certificates, drivers’ licenses, and all other forms and licenses requisite or deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this title and any other laws the enforcement and administration […]
RCW 46.01.170 Seal. The department shall have an official seal with the words “Department of Licensing of Washington” engraved thereon. [ 1977 ex.s. c 334 § 4; 1965 c 156 § 17.] NOTES: Effective date—1977 ex.s. c 334: See note following RCW 46.01.011.
RCW 46.01.180 Oaths and acknowledgments. Officers and employees of the department designated by the director are, for the purpose of administering the motor vehicle laws, authorized to administer oaths and acknowledge signatures and shall do so without fee. [ 1965 c 156 § 18.] NOTES: Oath of director: RCW 43.17.030.
RCW 46.01.190 Designation of state patrol as agent for surrender of drivers’ licenses. The director of licensing may designate the Washington state patrol as an agent to secure the surrender of drivers’ licenses which have been suspended, revoked, or canceled pursuant to law. [ 1979 c 158 § 123; 1965 c 156 § 19.]
RCW 46.01.230 Payment by check or money order—Dishonored checks or money orders—Failure to surrender canceled certificate, registration, or permit—Immunity from payment of uncollected fees—Rules. (1) The department may accept checks and money orders for the payment of drivers’ licenses, certificates of title and vehicle registrations, vehicle excise taxes, gross weight fees, and other fees and […]
RCW 46.01.235 Payment by credit or debit card. The department may adopt necessary rules and procedures to allow use of credit and debit cards for payment of fees and excise taxes to the department and its agents or subagents related to the licensing of drivers, the issuance of identicards, and vehicle and vessel certificates of […]
RCW 46.01.240 Internet payment option. (1) The department shall provide on its internet payment option website: (a) That a filing fee will be collected on all transactions subject to a filing fee; (b) That a subagent service fee will be collected by a subagent office for mail or pickup licensing services; and (c) The amount […]
RCW 46.01.250 Certified copies of records—Fee. The director shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty upon request and payment of the fee as provided herein to furnish under seal of the director certified copies of any records of the department, except those for confidential use only. The director shall charge […]