RCW 49.04.010 Regulatory apprenticeship council created—Composition—Terms—Compensation—Duties. (1) The department of labor and industries is the agency with responsibility and accountability for apprenticeship within the state for federal purposes. The director of labor and industries shall appoint a regulatory apprenticeship council, composed of three representatives each from employer and employee organizations, respectively. The terms of office […]
RCW 49.04.030 Supervisor of apprenticeship—Duties. The director of labor and industries shall appoint and deputize an assistant director to be known as the supervisor of apprenticeship. Under the supervision of the director of labor and industries and with the advice and guidance of the apprenticeship council, the supervisor shall: (1) Encourage and promote apprenticeship programs […]
RCW 49.04.035 Supervisor of apprenticeship—Compliance verification. (1) In addition to the duties established under RCW 49.04.030, the supervisor of apprenticeship must verify compliance by contractors, subcontractors, and awarding agencies of apprenticeship utilization requirements. The supervisor may coordinate with the department of enterprise services, the state department of transportation, the office of the superintendent of public […]
RCW 49.04.040 Apprenticeship committees—Composition—Duties. Upon July 22, 2001, all newly approved apprenticeship programs must be represented by either a unilateral or joint apprenticeship committee. Apprenticeship committees must conform to this chapter, the rules adopted under this chapter, and 29 C.F.R. Parts 29 and 30 and must be approved by the apprenticeship council. Such apprenticeship committees […]
RCW 49.04.050 Apprenticeship program standards. (1) To be eligible for registration, apprenticeship program standards must conform to the rules adopted under this chapter. (2) The apprenticeship council must require new apprenticeship programs seeking approval to provide an assessment for future sustainability of the program. (3) When evaluating applications for new apprenticeship programs, the apprenticeship council […]
RCW 49.04.060 Apprenticeship agreements. For the purposes of this chapter an apprenticeship agreement is a written agreement between an apprentice and either the apprentice’s program sponsor, or an apprenticeship committee acting as agent for a program sponsor, containing the terms and conditions of the employment and training of the apprentice. [ 2011 c 308 § […]
RCW 49.04.065 Decisions of apprenticeship council—Appeal to director of labor and industries—Judicial appeal. (1) Any decision of the apprenticeship council affecting registration and oversight of apprenticeship programs and agreements for federal purposes may be appealed to the director of labor and industries by filing a notice of appeal with the director within thirty days of […]
RCW 49.04.070 Limitation. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to a person, firm, corporation or craft only after such person, firm, corporation or craft has voluntarily elected to conform with its provisions. [ 1941 c 231 § 6; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7614-8.]
RCW 49.04.080 On-the-job training agreements and projects—Supervisor to promote. Under the supervision of the director of labor and industries and with the advice and guidance of the apprenticeship council, the supervisor of apprenticeship shall encourage and promote the making of such other types of on-the-job training agreements and projects, in addition to apprenticeship agreements, as […]
RCW 49.04.090 On-the-job training agreements and projects—Agreements with federal agencies. The director of labor and industries shall have authority to enter into and perform, through the supervisor of apprenticeship, agreements with appropriate federal departments or agencies for the development, administration and servicing of on-the-job training projects. Further, the director of labor and industries, through the […]
RCW 49.04.100 Apprenticeship programs—Civil rights act advancement. As provided by the rules adopted by the apprenticeship council, apprenticeship programs entered into under authority of this chapter with five or more apprentices shall conform with 29 C.F.R. Part 30 to the extent required by federal law while advancing the nondiscriminatory principles of the Washington state civil […]
RCW 49.04.110 Woman and racial minority representation in apprenticeship programs—Noncompliance. When it shall appear to the department of labor and industries that any apprenticeship program referred to in RCW 49.04.100 has failed to comply with the woman or racial minority representation requirement hereinabove in such section referred to by January 1, 1970, which fact shall […]
RCW 49.04.120 Woman and racial minority representation—Community colleges, vocational, or high schools to enlist woman and racial minority representation in apprenticeship programs. Every community college, vocational school, or high school carrying on a program of vocational education shall make every effort to enlist woman and racial minority representation in the apprenticeship programs within the state […]
RCW 49.04.130 Woman and racial minority representation—Employer and employee organizations, apprenticeship council and committees, etc., to enlist woman and racial minority representation in apprenticeship programs. Every employer and employee organization as well as the apprenticeship council and local and state apprenticeship committees and vocational schools shall make every effort to enlist woman and racial minority […]
RCW 49.04.141 Transportation opportunities—Report. The apprenticeship council shall work with the department of transportation, local transportation jurisdictions, local and statewide joint apprenticeships, other apprenticeship programs, representatives of labor and business organizations with interest and expertise in the transportation workforce, and representatives of the state’s universities and community and vocational colleges to establish technical apprenticeship opportunities […]
RCW 49.04.150 Associate degree pathway. (1) An apprenticeship committee may recommend to its community or technical college partner or partners that an associate degree pathway be developed for the committee’s program. (2) In consultation with the state board for community and technical colleges, the apprenticeship committee and the college or colleges involved with the program […]
RCW 49.04.160 Student opportunities—Findings. (1) The legislature finds that it is in the public interest of the state to encourage and facilitate the formation of cooperative relationships between business and labor and educational institutions that provide for the development and expansion of programs of educational skills training consistent with employment needs. (2) Further, the legislature […]
RCW 49.04.170 Student opportunities—Centers of excellence, colleges to provide information. (1) Centers of excellence, as designated by the state board for community and technical colleges, and other colleges identified by the state board for community and technical colleges in consultation with the Washington state apprenticeship and training council as having a high density of apprenticeship […]
RCW 49.04.180 Student opportunities—Educational outreach program—Appropriate activities. (1) Within existing resources, the Washington state apprenticeship and training council, in conjunction with individual state-approved apprenticeship training programs and the office of the superintendent of public instruction, shall lead and coordinate an educational outreach program for middle and secondary school students, parents, and educators about apprenticeship and […]
RCW 49.04.190 Student opportunities—Building and construction-related apprenticeships—Grants—Report. (1) Within existing resources, the Washington state apprenticeship and training council shall approve and oversee direct-entry programs for graduating secondary students into building and construction-related apprenticeships by: (a) Assisting individual school districts in using and leveraging existing resources; and (b) Developing guidelines, including guidelines that ensure that graduating […]