RCW 49.08.010 Duty of director—Mediation—Board of arbitration selected—Board’s findings final. It shall be the duty of the chair of the public employment relations commission upon application of any employer or employee having differences, as soon as practicable, to visit the location of such differences and to make a careful inquiry into the cause thereof and […]
RCW 49.08.020 Procedure for arbitration. The proceedings of said board of arbitration shall be held before the chair of the public employment relations commission who shall act as moderator or chair, without the privilege of voting, and who shall keep a record of the proceedings, issue subpoenas and administer oaths to the members of said […]
RCW 49.08.030 Service of process. Any notice or process issued by the board herein created, shall be served by any sheriff, coroner or constable to whom the same may be directed, or in whose hands the same may be placed for service. [ 1903 c 58 § 3; RRS § 7669.]
RCW 49.08.040 Compensation and travel expenses of arbitrators. Such arbitrators shall receive five dollars per day for each day actually engaged in such arbitration and travel expenses in accordance with RCW 43.03.050 and 43.03.060 as now existing or hereafter amended to be paid upon certificates of the director of labor and industries out of the […]
RCW 49.08.050 Failure to arbitrate—Statement of facts—Publicity. Upon the failure of the director of labor and industries, in any case, to secure the creation of a board of arbitration, it shall become his or her duty to request a sworn statement from each party to the dispute of the facts upon which their dispute and […]
RCW 49.08.060 Tender on exhaustion of available funds. There is hereby appropriated out of the state treasury from funds not otherwise appropriated the sum of three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to carry out the provisions of this chapter. In case the funds herein provided are exhausted and either party […]