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Home » US Law » 2022 Revised Code of Washington » Title 49 - Labor Regulations » Chapters » Chapter 49.24 - Health and Safety—Underground Workers.

49.24.010 – Pressure defined.

RCW 49.24.010 Pressure defined. The term “pressure” means gauge air pressure in pounds per square inch. [ 1937 c 131 § 1; RRS § 7666-1.]

49.24.020 – Compressed air safety requirements.

RCW 49.24.020 Compressed air safety requirements. Every employer of persons for work in compressed air shall: (1) Connect at least two air pipes with the working chamber and keep such pipes in perfect working condition; (2) Attach to the working chamber in accessible positions all instruments necessary to show its pressure and keep such instruments […]

49.24.030 – Medical and nursing attendants.

RCW 49.24.030 Medical and nursing attendants. Every employer of persons for work in compressed air shall: (1) Keep at the place of work at all necessary times a duly qualified medical officer to care for cases of illness and to administer strictly and enforce RCW 49.24.020 and 49.24.040; (2) Keep at a medical lock required […]

49.24.040 – Examination as to physical fitness.

RCW 49.24.040 Examination as to physical fitness. If an employee is a new employee, an absentee for ten or more successive days, an employee who has worked in compressed air continuously for three months or a beginner in compressed air who has worked but a single shift as required by *RCW 49.24.050, the officer required […]

49.24.060 – Penalty.

RCW 49.24.060 Penalty. Violation of or noncompliance with any provision of *this article by any employer, manager, superintendent, foreman or other person having direction or control of such work shall be a gross misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than two hundred and fifty dollars or by imprisonment for up to three hundred […]

49.24.070 – Enforcement.

RCW 49.24.070 Enforcement. The director of labor and industries shall have the power and it shall be the director’s duty to enforce the provisions of RCW 49.24.010 through 49.24.070. Any authorized inspector or agent of the department may issue and serve upon the employer or person in charge of such work, an order requiring compliance […]

49.24.080 – Requirements for underground labor.

RCW 49.24.080 Requirements for underground labor. Every person, firm or corporation constructing, building or operating a tunnel, quarry, caisson or subway, excepting in connection with mines, with or without compressed air, shall in the employment of any labor comply with the following safety provisions: (1) A safety miner shall be selected by the crew on […]

49.24.100 – Lighting appliances.

RCW 49.24.100 Lighting appliances. (1) All lighting in compressed air chambers shall be by electricity only. Wherever practicable there shall be two independent lighting systems with independent sources of supply. (2) The exterior of all lamp sockets shall be entirely nonmetallic. (3) All portable incandescent lamps used shall be guarded by a wire cage large […]

49.24.110 – Exhaust valves.

RCW 49.24.110 Exhaust valves. Exhaust valves shall be provided, having risers extending to the upper part of chamber, if necessary, and shall be operated at such times as may be required and especially after a blast, and persons shall not be required to resume work after a blast until the gas and smoke have cleared, […]

49.24.120 – Fire prevention.

RCW 49.24.120 Fire prevention. All reasonable precaution shall be taken against fire, and provisions shall be made so that water lines shall be available for use at all times. Fire hose connections with hose connected shall be installed in all power plants and work houses. There shall be fire hose connections within reasonable distance of […]

49.24.130 – Air chambers—Hanging walks.

RCW 49.24.130 Air chambers—Hanging walks. (1) Whenever the air pressure in a tunnel heading exceeds twenty-one pounds per square inch above atmospheric pressure, two air chambers shall always be in use, except for such time as may be necessary when headings are being started from shafts; and whenever practicable the pressure in the outer chamber […]

49.24.140 – Locks.

RCW 49.24.140 Locks. (1) Each bulkhead in tunnels of twelve feet or more in diameter or equivalent area, shall have at least two locks in perfect working condition, one of which shall be used as an air lock. An additional lock for use in case of emergency shall be held in reserve. (2) The air […]

49.24.150 – Explosives and detonators.

RCW 49.24.150 Explosives and detonators. When locking explosives and detonators into the air chamber, they shall be kept at opposite ends of the lock. While explosives and detonators are being taken through, no persons other than the lock tender and the carriers shall be permitted in the lock. [ 2009 c 549 § 1014; 1941 […]

49.24.160 – Air plant—Feed water.

RCW 49.24.160 Air plant—Feed water. (1) A good and sufficient air plant for the compression of air shall be provided to meet not only ordinary conditions, but emergencies, and to provide margin for repairs at all times. Provision must be made for storing in tanks at each boiler house enough feed water for twelve hours’ […]

49.24.170 – Electric power requirements.

RCW 49.24.170 Electric power requirements. When electric power is used for running compressors supplying air for compressed air tunnel work and such power is purchased from a local central station or power company— (1) There shall be two or more sources of power from the power company’s stations to the compressor plant. Such power feeders […]

49.24.180 – Inspection.

RCW 49.24.180 Inspection. While work is in progress, the employer shall employ a competent person who shall make a regular inspection at least once every working day of all engines, boilers, steam pipes, drills, air pipes, air gauges, air locks, dynamos, electric wiring, signaling apparatus, brakes, cages, buckets, hoists, cables, ropes, timbers, supports, and all […]

49.24.190 – Cars, cages, buckets—Employees riding or walking.

RCW 49.24.190 Cars, cages, buckets—Employees riding or walking. No employee shall ride on any loaded car, cage, or bucket, nor walk up or down any incline or shaft while any car, cage, or bucket is above him or her. [ 2010 c 8 § 12024; 1941 c 194 § 12; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7666-20.]

49.24.200 – Speed of vehicles.

RCW 49.24.200 Speed of vehicles. No vehicle shall be operated underground at a speed greater than five miles an hour, while construction work is going on. [ 1941 c 194 § 13; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7666-21.]

49.24.210 – Oil supply restricted.

RCW 49.24.210 Oil supply restricted. Oil for illumination or power shall not be taken into the underground workings of any tunnel or kept therein in greater quantities than one day’s supply. [ 1941 c 194 § 14; Rem. Supp. 1941 § 7666-22.]

49.24.220 – Explosives, use of—Blasting.

RCW 49.24.220 Explosives, use of—Blasting. (1) No greater quantity of explosives than that which is required for immediate use shall be taken into the working chamber. (2) Explosives shall be conveyed in a suitable covered wooden box. (3) Detonators shall be conveyed in a separate covered wooden box. (4) Explosives and detonators shall be taken […]