RCW 58.20.111 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (1) “Metadata” means data that describes other data. For the purposes of this chapter, metadata means geodetic reference system utilized, applicable epoch, statement of relative accuracy, and date of observation at a minimum. Additional metadata is encouraged […]
RCW 58.20.121 Washington plane coordinate system. The most recent version of the state plane coordinate system for the state of Washington, which has been established by NGS, based on the NSRS, for defining and stating the positions or locations of points on the surface of the earth within the state of Washington must be known […]
RCW 58.20.140 Designation of system—Zones. The Washington plane coordinate system shall be named, and in any land description in which it is used it shall be designated, the “Washington plane coordinate system,” and the zone used must be specified. [ 2020 c 50 § 3; 1989 c 54 § 12.]
RCW 58.20.145 Plane coordinates. (1) The plane coordinates of a point on the earth’s surface, to be used in expressing the position or location of the point in the appropriate zone of the WPCS, consist of two distances, expressed in feet and decimals of a foot or meters and decimals of a meter, along with […]
RCW 58.20.160 Tracts in more than one zone. When any tract of land to be defined by a single description extends from one coordinate zone into other zones, the positions of all points on its boundaries must be referred to only one of the zones, the zone which is used being specifically named in the […]
RCW 58.20.165 Geodetic datums. The official geodetic datums to which geodetic coordinates including, but not limited to, latitude, longitude, ellipsoid height, orthometric height, or dynamic height are referenced within the state of Washington must be as defined for the NSRS. [ 2020 c 50 § 6.]
RCW 58.20.180 Recording coordinates. Coordinates based on the Washington plane coordinate system, purporting to define the position of a point on a land boundary, may be presented to be recorded in any public land records or deed records. The method and source for establishing coordinates shall be described in the land or deed record. In […]
RCW 58.20.185 Standard value—One foot. When the values are expressed in feet, one foot equals 0.3048 meters, must be used as the standard foot for WPCS. [ 2020 c 50 § 8.]
RCW 58.20.200 Term—Limited use. The use of the term “Washington plane coordinate system” on any map, report of survey, or other document, shall be limited to coordinates based on the Washington plane coordinate system as defined in this chapter. [ 2020 c 50 § 9; 1989 c 54 § 18.]
RCW 58.20.205 Datum conflicts. The provisions of this chapter may not be construed to prohibit the appropriate use of other datums, other geodetic reference networks or systems, or other plane coordinate systems. Any other such datums, networks, or systems used must comply fully with the information requirements for the Washington plane coordinate system. This includes, […]
RCW 58.20.210 United States survey prevails—Conflict. Whenever coordinates based on the Washington plane coordinate system are used to describe any tract of land which in the same document is also described by reference to any subdivision, line or corner of the United States public land surveys, the description by coordinates shall be construed as supplemental […]
RCW 58.20.220 Real estate transactions—Exemption. Nothing contained in this chapter shall require any purchaser or mortgagee to rely on a description, any part of which depends exclusively upon the Washington plane coordinate system. [ 2020 c 50 § 11; 1989 c 54 § 20.]
RCW 58.20.901 Severability—1989 c 54. If any provision of this act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the act or the application of the provision to other persons or circumstances is not affected. [ 1989 c 54 § 21.]