RCW 77.100.010 Legislative findings—Department to administer cooperative enhancement program. The fish and wildlife resources of the state benefit by the contribution of volunteer recreational and commercial fishing organizations, schools, and other volunteer groups in cooperative projects under agreement with the department. These projects provide educational opportunities, improve the communication between the natural resources agencies and […]
RCW 77.100.020 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) “Volunteer group” means any person or group of persons interested in or party to an agreement with the department relating to a cooperative fish or wildlife project. (2) “Cooperative project” means a project conducted by a […]
RCW 77.100.030 Cooperative projects—Types. The department shall encourage and support the development and operation of cooperative projects of the following types: (1) Cooperative food fish and game fish rearing projects, including but not limited to egg planting, egg boxes, juvenile planting, pen rearing, pond rearing, raceway rearing, and egg taking; (2) Cooperative fish habitat improvement […]
RCW 77.100.040 Cooperative projects—Sale of surplus salmon eggs and carcasses. The department may authorize the sale of surplus salmon eggs and carcasses by permitted cooperative projects for the purposes of defraying the expenses of the cooperative project. In no instance shall the department allow a profit to be realized through such sales. The department shall […]
RCW 77.100.050 Duties of department. (1) The department shall: (a) Encourage and support the establishment of cooperative agreements for the development and operation of cooperative food fish, shellfish, game fish, game bird, game animal, and nongame wildlife projects, and projects which provide an opportunity for volunteer groups to become involved in resource and habitat-oriented activities. […]
RCW 77.100.060 Commission to establish rules—Subjects. The commission shall establish by rule: (1) The procedure for entering a cooperative agreement and the application forms for a permit to release fish or wildlife required by *RCW 77.12.457. The procedure shall indicate the information required from the volunteer group as well as the process of review by […]
RCW 77.100.070 Agreements for cooperative projects—Duration. Agreements under this chapter may be for up to five years, with the department attempting to maximize the duration of each cooperative agreement. The duration of the agreement should reflect the financial and volunteer commitment and the stability of the volunteer group as well as the department’s expectation of […]
RCW 77.100.080 Duties of volunteer group. (1) The volunteer group shall: (a) Provide care and diligence in conducting the cooperative project; and (b) Maintain accurately the required records of the project on forms provided by the department. (2) The volunteer group shall acknowledge that fish and game reared in cooperative projects are public property and […]
RCW 77.100.090 Application of chapter. This chapter applies to cooperative projects which were in existence on June 7, 1984, or which require no further funding. Implementation of this chapter for new projects requiring funding shall be to the extent that funds are available from the aquatic land enhancement account. [ 1984 c 72 § 8. […]
RCW 77.100.100 Cedar river spawning channel. A salmon spawning channel shall be constructed on the Cedar river with the assistance and cooperation of the department. The department shall use existing personnel and the volunteer fisheries enhancement program outlined under chapter 77.100 RCW to assist in the planning, construction, and operation of the spawning channel. [ […]
RCW 77.100.110 Cedar river spawning channel—Technical committee—Policy committee. The department shall chair a technical committee, which shall review the preparation of enhancement plans and construction designs for a Cedar river sockeye spawning channel. The technical committee shall consist of not more than eight members: One representative each from the department, national marine fisheries service, United […]
RCW 77.100.120 Cedar river spawning channel—Specifications. The channel shall be designed to produce, at a minimum, fry comparable in quality to those produced in the Cedar river and equal in number to what could be produced naturally by the estimated two hundred sixty-two thousand adults that could have spawned upstream of the Landsburg diversion. Construction […]
RCW 77.100.130 Cedar river spawning channel—Funding. The legislature recognizes that, if funding for planning, design, evaluation, construction, and operating expenses is provided by a public utility that diverts water for beneficial public use, and if the performance of the spawning channel meets the production goals described in RCW 77.100.120, the spawning channel project will serve, […]
RCW 77.100.150 Cedar river spawning channel—Legislative declaration. The legislature hereby declares that the construction of the Cedar river sockeye spawning channel is in the best interests of the state of Washington. [ 1989 c 85 § 9. Formerly RCW 75.52.150.] NOTES: Project designation—Legislative finding—Severability—1989 c 85: See notes following RCW 77.100.100.
RCW 77.100.160 Cedar river spawning channel—Mitigation of water diversion projects. Should the requirements of RCW 77.100.100 through 77.100.160 not be met, the department shall seek immediate legal clarification of the steps which must be taken to fully mitigate water diversion projects on the Cedar river. [ 2000 c 107 § 118; 1993 sp.s. c 2 […]
RCW 77.100.170 Fish hatcheries—Volunteer group projects. The manager of a state fish hatchery operated by the department of fish and wildlife may allow nonprofit volunteer groups affiliated with the hatchery to undertake projects to raise donations, gifts, and grants that enhance support for the hatchery or activities in the surrounding watershed that benefit the hatchery. […]