RCW 77.105.005 Findings—Intent. (1) The legislature finds the sheltered waters of Puget Sound (waters east of the Sekiu river) have historically provided the citizens of the state with the safest and most convenient access to productive marine recreational fishing. (2) The legislature further recognizes the economic value in restoring and rebuilding the recreational fishing opportunities […]
RCW 77.105.010 Program created—Coordinator. There is created within the department of fish and wildlife the Puget Sound recreational salmon and marine fish enhancement program. The department of fish and wildlife shall identify a coordinator for the program who shall act as spokesperson for the program and shall: (1) Coordinate the activities of the Puget Sound […]
RCW 77.105.020 Department responsibilities—Report to the legislature. (1) Consistent with available revenue, commission policies, tribal comanager agreements, and limitations of the endangered species act, the department, in consultation with the oversight committee created in RCW 77.105.160, shall adaptively manage the Puget Sound recreational salmon and marine fish enhancement program to maximize the benefits to the […]
RCW 77.105.030 Planning and operation of programs—Assistance from nondepartmental sources. The department may seek recommendations from persons who are expert on the planning and operation of programs for enhancement of recreational fisheries. The department may use the expertise of the University of Washington school of aquatic and fishery sciences and the sea grant program to […]
RCW 77.105.050 Marine bottomfish species—Research, methods, and programs for artificial rearing. The department may conduct research, develop methods, and implement programs for the artificial rearing and release of marine bottomfish species. Marine bottomfish species of importance in the recreational fishery are the primary emphasis. The department may use artificial habitats to restore and mitigate for […]
RCW 77.105.140 Saltwater, combination fishing license—Disposition of fee. As provided in RCW 77.32.440, a portion of each saltwater and combination fishing license fee shall be deposited in the recreational fisheries enhancement account created in RCW 77.105.150. [ 2000 c 107 § 119; 1998 c 191 § 28; 1997 c 197 § 1; 1993 sp.s. c […]
RCW 77.105.150 Recreational fisheries enhancement account. The recreational fisheries enhancement account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from RCW 77.105.140 shall be deposited into the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may be used only for recreational fisheries enhancement programs identified in this chapter. […]
RCW 77.105.160 Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement oversight committee—Created—Duties—Report to the legislature. (1) The Puget Sound recreational fisheries enhancement oversight committee is created. The director shall appoint at least seven members representing sport fishing interests to the committee from a list of applicants, ensuring broad representation from the sport fishing community. Each member shall serve […]
RCW 77.105.170 Managing salmon to increase recreational angling opportunities in Puget Sound. The department shall utilize artificial rearing of salmon to improve recreational salmon fishing in Puget Sound. In managing salmon, the department shall seek to develop and implement methods that will increase recreational angling opportunities. These methods may include, but are not limited to, […]