RCW 77.110.010 Declaration. The people of the state of Washington declare that an emergency exists in the management of salmon and steelhead trout resources such that both are in great peril. An immediate resolution of this crisis is essential to perpetuating and enhancing these resources. [ 1985 c 1 § 1 (Initiative Measure No. 456, […]
RCW 77.110.020 Petition to congress. The people of the state of Washington petition the United States Congress to immediately make the steelhead trout a national game fish protected under the Black Bass Act. [ 1985 c 1 § 2 (Initiative Measure No. 456, approved November 6, 1984). Formerly RCW 75.56.020.]
RCW 77.110.030 Management of natural resources—State policy. The people of the state of Washington declare that conservation, enhancement, and proper utilization of the state’s natural resources, including but not limited to lands, waters, timber, fish, and game are responsibilities of the state of Washington and shall remain within the express domain of the state of […]
RCW 77.110.040 Declaration—Denial of rights based on race, sex, origin, or cultural heritage. The people of the state of Washington declare that under the Indians Citizens Act of 1924, all Indians became citizens of the United States and subject to the Constitution and laws of the United States and state in which they reside. The […]
RCW 77.110.900 Transmittal of act to president and congress—1985 c 1. The secretary of state shall transmit copies of this act to the president of the United States senate, the speaker of the United States house of representatives, and each member of congress. [ 1985 c 1 § 5 (Initiative Measure No. 456, approved November […]