RCW 77.12.170 Limited fish and wildlife account—Deposits—Fish, wildlife, and conservation account—Established—Deposits. (1) There is established in the state treasury the limited fish and wildlife account which consists of moneys received from: (a) Fees for personalized vehicle, Wild on Washington, and Endangered Wildlife license plates, Washington’s Wildlife license plate collection, and Washington’s fish license plate collection […]
RCW 77.12.177 Disposition of moneys collected—Proceeds from sale of commercial licenses and fish, shellfish, or wildlife. (1) Except as provided in this title, state and county officers receiving the following moneys shall deposit them in the fish, wildlife, and conservation account: (a) The sale of commercial licenses required under this title; and (b) Moneys received […]
RCW 77.12.184 Deposit of moneys from various activities—Production of regulation booklets. (1) The department shall deposit all moneys received from the following activities into the fish, wildlife, and conservation account created in RCW 77.12.170(3): (a) The sale of interpretive, recreational, historical, educational, and informational literature and materials; (b) The sale of advertisements in regulation pamphlets […]
RCW 77.12.190 Use of moneys in the limited fish and wildlife account and fish, wildlife, and conservation account. Moneys in the limited fish and wildlife account and fish, wildlife, and conservation account created in RCW 77.12.170 may be used only for the purposes of this title, including the payment of principal and interest on bonds […]
RCW 77.12.201 Counties may elect to receive an amount in lieu of taxes—County to record collections for violations of law or rules—Deposit. The legislative authority of a county may elect, by giving written notice to the director and the treasurer prior to January 1st of any year, to obtain for the following year an amount […]
RCW 77.12.203 In lieu payments authorized—Procedure—Game lands defined. (1) Notwithstanding RCW 84.36.010 or other statutes to the contrary, the state treasurer, on behalf of the department, must distribute to counties by April 30th of each year on game lands, regardless of acreage, in each county, if requested by an election under RCW 77.12.201, an amount […]
RCW 77.12.204 Grazing lands—Fish and wildlife goals—Implementation. The department of fish and wildlife shall implement practices necessary to meet the standards developed under *RCW 79.01.295 on agency-owned and managed agricultural and grazing lands. The standards may be modified on a site-specific basis as necessary and as determined by the department of fish and wildlife to […]
RCW 77.12.210 Department property—Management, sale. The director shall maintain and manage real or personal property owned, leased, or held by the department and shall control the construction of buildings, structures, and improvements in or on the property. The director may adopt rules for the operation and maintenance of the property. The commission may authorize the […]
RCW 77.12.220 Acquisition or transfer of property. For purposes of this title, the commission may make agreements to obtain real or personal property or to transfer or convey property held by the state to the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities, units of local government of this state, public service companies, or other persons, […]
RCW 77.12.230 Local assessments against department property. The director may pay lawful local improvement district assessments for projects that may benefit wildlife or wildlife-oriented recreation made against lands held by the state for department purposes. The payments may be made from money appropriated from the fish, wildlife, and conservation account created in RCW 77.12.170(3) to […]
RCW 77.12.240 Authority to take wildlife—Disposition. (1) The department may authorize the removal or killing of wildlife that is destroying or injuring property, or when it is necessary for wildlife management or research. (2) The department shall dispose of wildlife taken or possessed by them under this title in the manner determined by the director […]
RCW 77.12.262 Fish and wildlife officers compensation insurance—Medical aid. The director shall provide compensation insurance for fish and wildlife officers, insuring these employees against injury or death in the performance of enforcement duties not covered under the workers’ compensation act of the state. The beneficiaries and the compensation and benefits under the compensation insurance shall […]
RCW 77.12.264 Fish and wildlife officers—Relieved from active duty when injured—Compensation. The director shall relieve from active duty fish and wildlife officers who are injured in the performance of their official duties to such an extent as to be incapable of active service. While relieved from active duty, the employees shall receive one-half of their […]
RCW 77.12.266 Relocation or introduction of wolves, coyotes, lynx, bobcats, and other big game—Notice and public hearing. (1) The department must provide notice and hold a public hearing prior to department personnel relocating or introducing any wolves, coyotes, lynx, bobcats, and animals defined as big game in RCW 77.08.030, where the action is intended for […]
RCW 77.12.272 Elk hoof disease—Program to monitor and assess causes of and potential solutions for—Washington State University college of veterinary medicine designated as state lead. Subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose, the legislature designates Washington State University college of veterinary medicine as the state lead in developing a program to […]
RCW 77.12.275 Agreements with department of defense. The commission may negotiate agreements with the United States department of defense to coordinate fishing in state waters over which the department of defense has assumed control. [ 1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 7 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 […]
RCW 77.12.285 Agreements with United States to protect Columbia river fish—Fish cultural stations and protective devices. (1) The commission may enter into agreements with and receive funds from the United States for the construction, maintenance, and operation of fish cultural stations, laboratories, and devices in the Columbia river basin for improvement of feeding and spawning […]
RCW 77.12.320 Agreements for purposes related to fish, shellfish, and wildlife—Acceptance of compensation, gifts, grants—Indemnification. (1) The commission may make agreements with persons, political subdivisions of this state, or the United States or its agencies or instrumentalities, regarding fish, shellfish, and wildlife-oriented recreation and the propagation, protection, conservation, and control of fish, shellfish, and wildlife. […]
RCW 77.12.323 Special wildlife account—Investments. (1) There is established in the state treasury a special wildlife account. Moneys received under RCW 77.12.320 as now or hereafter amended as compensation for wildlife losses shall be deposited in the state treasury to be credited to the special wildlife account. (2) The state treasurer may invest and reinvest […]
RCW 77.12.325 Cooperation with Oregon to assure yields of Columbia river fish, shellfish, and wildlife. The commission may cooperate with the Oregon fish and wildlife commission in the adoption of rules to ensure an annual yield of fish, shellfish, and wildlife on the Columbia river and to prevent the taking of fish, shellfish, and wildlife […]