RCW 77.130.010 Unclaimed personal property—Disposition—Firearms. Whenever any personal property comes into the possession of the officers of the department in connection with the official performance of their duties and the personal property remains unclaimed or not taken away for a period of sixty days from the date of written notice to the owner thereof, if […]
RCW 77.130.020 Notice of sale. Before the personal property shall be sold, a notice of such a sale fixing the time and place thereof which shall be at a suitable place, which will be noted in the advertisement for sale, and containing a description of the property to be sold must be published at least […]
RCW 77.130.030 Use of money from sales under this chapter. The moneys arising from sales under the provisions of this chapter must be first applied to the payment of the costs and expenses of the sale and then to the payment of lawful charges and expenses for the keep of the personal property and the […]
RCW 77.130.040 Property owner entitled to receive money. If the owner of the personal property so sold, or the owner’s legal representative, shall, at any time within three years after the money has been deposited in the fish and wildlife enforcement reward account, furnish satisfactory evidence to the state treasurer of the ownership of the […]
RCW 77.130.050 Application of chapters 63.24 and 63.29 RCW. (1) Chapter 63.24 RCW, unclaimed property in hands of bailee, does not apply to personal property in the possession of the department. (2) The uniform unclaimed property act, *chapter 63.29 RCW, does not apply to personal property in the possession of the department. [ 2009 c […]
RCW 77.130.060 Donation of unclaimed personal property. In addition to any other method of disposition of unclaimed property provided under this chapter, the department may donate unclaimed personal property to nonprofit charitable organizations. A nonprofit charitable organization receiving personal property donated under this section must use the property, or its proceeds, to benefit needy persons. […]