RCW 77.140.010 Definitions. The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise. (1) “Commercially caught” means wild or hatchery-raised salmon harvested in the wild by commercial fishers. The term does not apply to farmed fish raised exclusively by private sector aquaculture. (2) “Fish” means fresh or saltwater finfish and […]
RCW 77.140.020 Seafood labeling requirements—Pamphlet. The department of may: (1) Develop a pamphlet that generally describes the labeling requirements for seafood as set forth in this chapter; and (2) Make the pamphlet available to holders of any license associated with buying and selling fish or shellfish under chapter 77.65 RCW. [ 2018 c 236 § […]
RCW 77.140.030 Fish and shellfish labeling—Identification of species—Exceptions—Penalty. (1) It is unlawful to knowingly sell or offer for sale at wholesale or retail any fresh, frozen, or processed fish or shellfish without identifying for the buyer at the point of sale the species of fish or shellfish by its common name, such that the buyer […]
RCW 77.140.040 Salmon labeling—Identification as farm-raised or commercially caught—Exceptions—Penalty. (1) It is unlawful to knowingly sell or offer for sale at wholesale or retail any fresh, frozen, or processed salmon without identifying private sector cultured aquatic salmon or salmon products as farm-raised salmon, or identifying commercially caught salmon or salmon products as commercially caught salmon. […]
RCW 77.140.050 Fish and shellfish—Rules for identification and labeling. To promote honesty and fair dealing for consumers and to protect public health and safety, the director, may adopt rules as necessary to: (1) Establish and implement a reasonable definition and identification standard for species of fish and shellfish that are sold for human consumption; (2) […]
RCW 77.140.060 Misbranding of fish or shellfish—Penalties. (1) A person is guilty of unlawful misbranding of fish or shellfish in the third degree if the person commits an act that violates RCW 77.140.030 or 77.140.040, and the misbranding involves fish or shellfish with a fair market value up to five hundred dollars. Unlawful misbranding of […]