RCW 77.32.470 Personal use fishing licenses—Fees—Temporary fishing licenses—Family fishing weekend license—Rule-making authority—Combination licenses for hunting and fishing—Two fishing poles per fishing license holder. (1) A personal use saltwater, freshwater, combination, temporary, or family fishing weekend license is required for all persons fifteen years of age or older to fish for or possess fish taken for […]
RCW 77.32.480 Reduced rate licenses. (1) Upon written application, a combination fishing license shall be issued at the reduced rate of five dollars and all hunting licenses shall be issued at the reduced rate of a youth hunting license fee for the following individuals: (a) A resident sixty-five years old or older who is an […]
RCW 77.32.500 Saltwater, freshwater transition areas—Rule-making authority. In order to simplify fishing license requirements in transition areas between salt water and fresh water, the commission may adopt rules designating specific waters where either a fresh water or a salt water license is valid. [ 1998 c 191 § 41.] NOTES: Effective date—1998 c 191: See […]
RCW 77.32.520 Personal use shellfish and seaweed license—Razor clam license—Fees—License available for inspection. (1) A personal use shellfish and seaweed license is required for all persons other than residents or nonresidents under fifteen years of age to fish for, take, dig for, or possess seaweed or shellfish, including razor clams, for personal use from state […]
RCW 77.32.525 Hunting and fishing contests—Field trials for dogs—Rules—Limitation. The director shall administer rules adopted by the commission governing the time, place, and manner of holding hunting and fishing contests and competitive field trials involving live wildlife for hunting dogs. The department shall prohibit contests and field trials that are not in the best interests […]
RCW 77.32.530 Hunting big game—Auction or raffle—Procedure. (1) The commission in consultation with the director may authorize hunting of big game animals and wild turkeys through auction. The department may conduct the auction for the hunt or contract with a nonprofit wildlife conservation organization to conduct the auction for the hunt. (2) The commission in […]
RCW 77.32.535 Private lands—Raffle authorization to hunt big game. If a private entity has a private lands wildlife management area agreement in effect with the department, the commission may authorize the private entity to conduct raffles for access to hunt for big game animals and wild turkeys to meet the conditions of the agreement. The […]
RCW 77.32.540 Hunting and fishing contests—Field trials for dogs—Permit—Rules. A person shall not promote, conduct, hold, or sponsor a contest for the hunting or fishing of wildlife or a competitive field trial involving live wildlife for hunting dogs without first obtaining a hunting or fishing contest permit. Contests and field trials shall be held in […]
RCW 77.32.545 Removal of trap—Identification of traps—Disclosure of identities. A property owner, lessee, or tenant may remove a trap placed on the owner’s, lessee’s, or tenant’s posted or fenced property by a trapper. Trappers shall attach to the chain of their traps or devices a legible metal tag with either the department identification number of […]
RCW 77.32.550 Group fishing permit. (1) A group fishing permit allows a group of individuals to fish, and harvest shellfish, without individual licenses or the payment of individual license fees. The department must also provide, without charge, any applicable catch record cards. (2) The director must issue a group fishing permit on a seasonal basis […]
RCW 77.32.555 Surcharge to fund biotoxin testing and monitoring—Algal bloom program—Biotoxin account. (1) In addition to the fees authorized in this chapter, the department shall include a surcharge to fund biotoxin testing and monitoring by the department of health of beaches used for recreational shellfishing, and to fund monitoring by the Olympic region harmful algal […]
RCW 77.32.560 Watchable wildlife decals. (1) The department may sell watchable wildlife decals. Proceeds from the sale of the decal must be deposited into the limited fish and wildlife account created in RCW 77.12.170(1) and must be dedicated to the support of the department’s watchable wildlife activities. The department may also use proceeds from the […]
RCW 77.32.565 Hunting and fishing opportunities for a terminally ill person—Provision of a license, tag, permit, or stamp without a fee—Rule-making authority. (1) In order to facilitate hunting and fishing opportunities for a terminally ill person, the director may provide any licenses, tags, permits, stamps, and other fees without charge including transaction and dealer fees. […]
RCW 77.32.570 Master hunter permit program—Fee. (1) In order to effectively manage wildlife in areas or at times when a higher proficiency and demonstrated skill level are needed for resource protection or public safety, the department establishes the master hunter permit program. The master hunter permit program emphasizes safe, ethical, responsible, and lawful hunting practices. […]
RCW 77.32.575 Western Washington pheasant permit—Fee. (1) A western Washington pheasant permit is required to hunt for pheasant in western Washington. (2) The permit is available as a season option, a youth full season option, or a three-day option. The fee for the permit is: (a) For the resident full season option, seventy-five dollars; (b) […]
RCW 77.32.585 Release of wild beavers. (1) The department shall permit the release of wild beavers on public and private lands with agreement from the property owner. (2) The department may limit the release of wild beavers to areas of the state where: (a) There is a low probability of released beavers becoming a nuisance […]
RCW 77.32.590 Hunting and fishing license donations—Resident disabled veterans—Rule-making authority. (1) In order to facilitate hunting and fishing opportunities for Washington state resident veterans who are eligible for reduced fishing and hunting license fees, based on a service-related disability, under RCW 77.32.480, the department may accept donations from the public so that resident disabled veterans, […]