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Home » US Law » 2022 Revised Code of Washington » Title 77 - Fish and Wildlife » Chapters » Chapter 77.44 - Warm Water Game Fish Enhancement Program.

77.44.005 – Public interest declaration.

RCW 77.44.005 Public interest declaration. The legislature declares that the public and private propagation, production, protection, and enhancement of fish is in the public interest. [ 1991 c 253 § 1. Formerly RCW 77.18.005.]

77.44.007 – Definitions.

RCW 77.44.007 Definitions. Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, the definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter. (1) “Contract” means an agreement setting at a minimum, price, quantity of fish to be delivered, time of delivery, and fish health requirements. (2) “Fish health requirements” means those site specific fish health and genetic requirements actually […]

77.44.010 – Warm water game fish enhancement program—Created.

RCW 77.44.010 Warm water game fish enhancement program—Created. A warm water game fish enhancement program is created in the department. The enhancement program shall be designed to increase the opportunities to fish for and catch warm water game fish including: Largemouth black bass, smallmouth black bass, channel catfish, black crappie, white crappie, walleye, and tiger […]

77.44.030 – Freshwater, combination fishing license—Disposition of fee.

RCW 77.44.030 Freshwater, combination fishing license—Disposition of fee. (1) As provided in RCW 77.32.440, a portion of each freshwater and combination fishing license fee shall be deposited into the warm water game fish account. (2) The department shall use the most cost-effective format in designing and administering the warm water game fish surcharge [account]. (3) […]

77.44.040 – Program goals.

RCW 77.44.040 Program goals. The goals of the warm water game fish enhancement program are to improve the fishing for warm water game fish using cost-effective management. Development of new ponds and lakes shall be an important and integral part of the program. The department shall work with the department of natural resources to coordinate […]

77.44.050 – Warm water game fish account—Created—Use of moneys.

RCW 77.44.050 Warm water game fish account—Created—Use of moneys. The warm water game fish account is created in the state treasury. Moneys in the account are subject to legislative appropriation and shall be used for the purpose of funding the warm water game fish enhancement program, including the development of warm water pond and lake […]

77.44.060 – Specifications—Purchases from aquatic farmers.

RCW 77.44.060 Specifications—Purchases from aquatic farmers. If the department requires, pursuant to its authority relative to environmental permits or licenses, that resident hatchery game fish be stocked by the permittee or licensee for mitigation of environmental damage, the department shall specify the pounds or numbers, species, stock, and/or race of resident game fish that are […]

77.44.070 – Purchases from aquatic farmers for stocking purposes.

RCW 77.44.070 Purchases from aquatic farmers for stocking purposes. Any agency of state or federal government, political subdivision of the state, private or public utility company, corporation, or sports group, or any purchaser of fish under RCW 77.44.060 may purchase resident game fish from an aquatic farmer for stocking purposes if permit requirements of this […]