RCW 77.60.010 State oyster reserves established. The following areas are the state oyster reserves and are more completely described in maps and plats on file in the office of the commissioner of public lands and in the office of the auditor of the county in which the reserve is located: 1. Puget Sound Oyster Reserves: […]
RCW 77.60.020 Sale or lease of state oyster reserves. Only upon recommendation of the commission may the state oyster reserves be sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of by the department of natural resources. [ 1995 1st sp.s. c 2 § 28 (Referendum Bill No. 45, approved November 7, 1995); 1983 1st ex.s. c 46 § […]
RCW 77.60.030 State oyster reserves management policy—Personal use harvesting—Inventory—Management categories—Cultch permits. It is the policy of the state to improve state oyster reserves so that they are productive and yield a revenue sufficient for their maintenance. In fixing the price of oysters and other shellfish sold from the reserves, the director shall take into consideration […]
RCW 77.60.040 Olympia oysters—Cultivation on reserves in Puget Sound. The legislature finds that current environmental and economic conditions warrant a renewal of the state’s historical practice of actively cultivating and managing its oyster reserves in Puget Sound to produce the state’s native oyster, the Olympia oyster. The director shall reestablish dike cultivated production of Olympia […]
RCW 77.60.050 Sale of shellfish from state oyster reserves. The director shall determine the time, place, and method of sale of oysters and other shellfish from state oyster reserves. Any person who commercially takes shellfish from state oyster reserves must possess an oyster reserve fishery license issued by the director pursuant to RCW 77.65.260. Any […]
RCW 77.60.060 Restricted shellfish areas—Infestations—Permit. The director may designate as “restricted shellfish areas” those areas in which infection or infestation of shellfish is present. A permit issued by the director is required to transplant or transport into or out of a restricted area shellfish or equipment used in culturing, taking, handling, or processing shellfish. [ […]
RCW 77.60.070 Geoduck clams, commercial harvesting—Unauthorized acts—Gear requirements. (1) The director may not authorize a person to take geoduck clams for commercial purposes outside the harvest area designated in a current department of natural resources geoduck harvesting agreement issued under RCW 79.135.210. The director may not authorize commercial harvest of geoduck clams from bottoms that […]
RCW 77.60.080 Imported oyster seed—Permit and inspection required. The department may not authorize a person to import oysters or oyster seed into this state for the purpose of planting them in state waters without a permit from the director. The director shall issue a permit only after an adequate inspection has been made and the […]
RCW 77.60.090 Imported oyster seed—Inspection—Costs. The director may require imported oyster seed to be inspected for diseases and pests. The director may specify the place of inspection. Persons importing oyster seed shall pay for the inspection costs excluding the inspector’s salary. The cost shall be determined by the director and prorated among the importers according […]
RCW 77.60.100 Establishment of reserves on state shellfish lands. The commission may examine the clam, mussel, and oyster beds located on aquatic lands belonging to the state and request the commissioner of public lands to withdraw these lands from sale and lease for the purpose of establishing reserves or public beaches. The director shall conserve, […]
RCW 77.60.150 Oyster reserve land—Pilot project—Advisory committee—Lease administration. (1) The department shall initiate a pilot project to evaluate the feasibility and potential of intensively culturing shellfish on currently nonproductive oyster reserve land in Puget Sound. The pilot program shall include no fewer than three long-term lease agreements with commercial shellfish growers. Except as provided in […]
RCW 77.60.160 Oyster reserve land account. (1) The oyster reserve land account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from revenues from the lease of land or sale of shellfish from oyster reserve lands must be deposited into the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account […]
RCW 77.60.170 Shellfish—On-site sewage grant program—Priority areas—Memorandum of understanding. (1)(a) The department shall transfer the funds required by RCW 77.60.160 to the appropriate local governments. Pacific and Grays Harbor counties and Puget Sound shall manage their established shellfish—on-site sewage grant program. The local governments, in consultation with the department of health, shall use the provided […]