RCW 77.75.100 Snake river boundary—Cooperation with Idaho for adoption and enforcement of rules regarding wildlife. The commission may cooperate with the Idaho fish and game commission in the adoption and enforcement of rules regarding wildlife on that portion of the Snake river forming the boundary between Washington and Idaho. [ 1980 c 78 § 62; […]
RCW 77.75.110 Snake river boundary—Concurrent jurisdiction of Idaho and Washington courts and law enforcement officers. To enforce RCW 77.75.120 and 77.75.130, courts in the counties contiguous to the boundary waters, fish and wildlife officers, and ex officio fish and wildlife officers have jurisdiction over the boundary waters to the furthermost shoreline. This jurisdiction is concurrent […]
RCW 77.75.120 Snake river boundary—Honoring licenses to take wildlife of either state. The taking of wildlife from the boundary waters or islands of the Snake river shall be in accordance with the wildlife laws of the respective states. Fish and wildlife officers and ex officio fish and wildlife officers shall honor the license of either […]
RCW 77.75.130 Snake river boundary—Purpose—Restrictions. The purpose of RCW 77.75.100 through 77.75.130 is to avoid the conflict, confusion, and difficulty of locating the state boundary in or on the boundary waters and islands of the Snake river. These sections do not allow the holder of a Washington license to fish or hunt on the shoreline, […]