RCW 77.95.010 Legislative findings. Currently, many of the salmon stocks of Washington state are critically reduced from their sustainable level. The best interests of all fishing groups and the citizens as a whole are served by a stable and productive salmon resource. Immediate action is needed to reverse the severe decline of the resource and […]
RCW 77.95.020 Long-term regional policy statements. (1) The commission shall develop long-term regional policy statements regarding the salmon fishery resources before December 1, 1985. The commission shall consider the following in formulating and updating regional policy statements: (a) Existing resource needs; (b) Potential for creation of new resources; (c) Successful existing programs, both within and […]
RCW 77.95.030 Salmon enhancement plan—Enhancement projects. (1) The commission shall develop a detailed salmon enhancement plan with proposed enhancement projects. The plan and the regional policy statements shall be submitted to the secretary of the senate and chief clerk of the house of representatives for legislative distribution by June 30, 1986. The enhancement plan and […]
RCW 77.95.040 Commission to monitor enhancement projects and enhancement plan. Upon approval by the legislature of funds for its implementation, the commission shall monitor the progress of projects detailed in the salmon enhancement plan. The commission shall be responsible for establishing criteria which shall be used to measure the success of each project in the […]
RCW 77.95.050 “Enhancement project” defined. As used in this chapter, “enhancement project” means salmon propagation activities including, but not limited to, hatcheries, spawning channels, rearing ponds, egg boxes, fishways, fish screens, streambed clearing, erosion control, habitat restoration, net pens, applied research projects, and any equipment, real property, or other interest necessary to the proper operation […]
RCW 77.95.060 Regional fisheries enhancement group authorized. The legislature finds that it is in the best interest of the salmon resource of the state to encourage the development of regional fisheries enhancement groups. The accomplishments of one existing group, the Grays Harbor fisheries enhancement task force, have been widely recognized as being exemplary. The legislature […]
RCW 77.95.070 Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Goals. Regional fisheries enhancement groups, consistent with the long-term regional policy statements developed under RCW 77.95.020, shall seek to: (1) Enhance the salmon and steelhead resources of the state; (2) Maximize volunteer efforts and private donations to improve the salmon and steelhead resources for all citizens; (3) Assist the department […]
RCW 77.95.080 Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Incorporation prerequisites. Each regional fisheries enhancement group shall be incorporated pursuant to Title 24 RCW. Any interested person or group shall be permitted to join. It is desirable for the group to have representation from all categories of fishers and other parties that have interest in salmon within the region, […]
RCW 77.95.090 Regional fisheries enhancement group account—Revenue sources, uses, and limitations. The dedicated regional fisheries enhancement group account is created in the custody of the state treasurer. Only the commission or the commission’s designee may authorize expenditures from the account. The account is subject to allotment procedures under chapter 43.88 RCW, but no appropriation is […]
RCW 77.95.100 Regional fisheries enhancement groups—Start-up funds. The department may provide start-up funds to regional fisheries enhancement groups for costs associated with any enhancement project. The commission shall develop guidelines for providing funds to the regional fisheries enhancement groups. [ 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 82; 2000 c 107 § 107; 1997 c 389 […]
RCW 77.95.130 Regional fisheries enhancement salmonid recovery account—Created. The regional fisheries enhancement salmonid recovery account is created in the state treasury. All receipts from federal sources and moneys from state sources specified by law must be deposited into the account. Moneys in the account may be spent only after appropriation. Expenditures from the account may […]
RCW 77.95.140 Skagit river salmon recovery plan. The commission shall prepare a salmon recovery plan for the Skagit river. The plan shall include strategies for employing displaced timber workers to conduct salmon restoration and other tasks identified in the plan. The plan shall incorporate the best available technology in order to achieve maximum restoration of […]
RCW 77.95.150 Coordination with regional enhancement groups—Findings. The legislature finds that: (1) Regional enhancement groups are a valuable resource for anadromous fish recovery. They improve critical fish habitat and directly contribute to anadromous fish populations through fish restoration technology. (2) Due to a decrease in recreational and commercial salmon license sales, regional enhancement groups are […]
RCW 77.95.160 Fish passage barrier removal board—Membership—Duties. (1) The department shall maintain a fish passage barrier removal board. The board must be composed of a representative from the department, the department of transportation, cities, counties, the governor’s salmon recovery office, tribal governments, and the department of natural resources. The representative of the department must serve […]
RCW 77.95.170 Salmonid fish passage—Removing impediments—Grant program—Administration—Database directory. (1) The department may coordinate with the recreation and conservation office in the administration of all state grant programs specifically designed to assist state agencies, private landowners, tribes, organizations, and volunteer groups in identifying and removing impediments to salmonid fish passage. The transportation improvement board may administer […]
RCW 77.95.180 Fish passage barrier removal program. (1)(a) To maximize available state resources, the department and the department of transportation must work in partnership to identify and complete projects to eliminate fish passage barriers caused by state roads and highways. (b) The partnership between the department and the department of transportation must be based on […]
RCW 77.95.185 Local fish passage barrier removal—Compensatory mitigation preference—Mitigation framework for off-site and out-of-kind barriers—In lieu fee program. (1) The department of transportation, the department of ecology, and the department of fish and wildlife must use their existing authorities and guidance to provide a preference for the removal of existing fish passage barriers owned by […]
RCW 77.95.190 Field testing of remote site incubators. The department shall field test coho and chinook salmon remote site incubators. The purpose of field testing efforts shall be to gather conclusive scientific data on the effectiveness of coho and chinook remote site incubators. [ 2010 1st sp.s. c 7 § 84; 1995 c 367 § […]
RCW 77.95.200 Remote site incubator program—Reports to the fish and wildlife commission. (1) The department shall develop and implement a program utilizing remote site incubators in Washington state. The program shall identify sites in tributaries that are suitable for reestablishing self-sustaining, locally adapted populations of coho, chum, or chinook salmon. The initial selection of sites […]
RCW 77.95.210 Sale of surplus salmon eggs—Order of priority. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, the department may supply, at a reasonable charge, surplus salmon eggs to a person for use in the cultivation of salmon. The department shall not intentionally create a surplus of salmon to provide eggs for sale. […]