RCW 79.02.100 Appearance by commissioner before United States land offices. The commissioner of public lands is authorized and directed to appear before the United States land offices in all cases involving the validity of the selections of any lands granted to the state, and to summon witnesses and pay necessary witness fees and stenographer fees […]
RCW 79.02.110 Applications for federal certification that lands are nonmineral. The commissioner of public lands is authorized and directed to make applications, and to cause publication of notices of applications, to the interior department of the United States for certification that any land granted to the state is nonmineral in character, in accordance with the […]
RCW 79.02.120 Lieu lands—Selection agreements authorized. For the purpose of obtaining from the United States indemnity or lieu lands for such lands granted to the state for common schools, educational, penal, reformatory, charitable, capitol building, or other purposes, as have been or may be lost to the state, or the title to or use or […]
RCW 79.02.130 Lieu lands—Examination and appraisal. Upon the making of any such agreement, the board shall be empowered and it shall be its duty to cause such examination and appraisal to be made as will determine the area and value, as nearly as may be, of the lands lost to the state, or the title […]
RCW 79.02.140 Lieu lands—Transfer of title to lands relinquished. Whenever the title to any lands selected under the provisions of RCW 79.02.120 through 79.02.140 shall become vested in the state of Washington by the acceptance and approval of the lists of lands so selected, or other proper action of the United States, the governor, on […]
RCW 79.02.150 Selection to complete uncompleted grants. So long as any grant of lands by the United States to the state of Washington, for any purpose, or as lieu or indemnity lands therefor, remains incomplete, the commissioner of public lands shall, from time to time, cause the records in his or her office and in […]
RCW 79.02.160 Relinquishment on failure or rejection of selection. In case any person interested in any tract of land heretofore selected by the territory of Washington or any officer, board, or agent thereof or by the state of Washington or any officer, board, or agent thereof or which may be hereafter selected by the state […]