RCW 79.125.400 First-class tidelands and shorelands—Lease—Preference right of upland owner—How exercised. (1) Upon platting and appraisal of first-class tidelands or shorelands as provided in this chapter, if the department deems it for the best public interest to offer the first-class tidelands or shorelands for lease, the department shall notify the owner of record of uplands […]
RCW 79.125.410 First-class unplatted tidelands and shorelands—Lease preference right to upland owners—Lease for booming purposes. (1) The department is authorized to lease to the abutting upland owner any unplatted first-class tidelands or shorelands. (2) The department shall, prior to the issuance of any lease under the provisions of this section, fix the annual rent for […]
RCW 79.125.420 Tidelands and shorelands—Vacation by replat—Preference right of tideland or shoreland owner. If any platted street, alley, waterway, or other public place is vacated by a replat as provided for in RCW 79.125.080 and 79.125.090, or any new street, alley, waterway, or other public place is so laid out as to leave unsold tidelands […]
RCW 79.125.430 Tidelands or shorelands—Preference rights, time limit on exercise. All preference rights to purchase tidelands or shorelands, when otherwise permitted by RCW 79.125.200 to be purchased, awarded by the department, or by the superior court in case of appeal from the award of the department, shall be exercised by the parties to whom the […]
RCW 79.125.440 Tidelands or shorelands—Accretions—Lease. Any accretions that may be added to any tract or tracts of tidelands or shorelands previously sold, or that may be sold, by the state, shall belong to the state and shall not be sold, or offered for sale, unless otherwise permitted by this chapter to be sold, and unless […]
RCW 79.125.450 Second-class shorelands on navigable lakes—Sale. (1) The legislature finds that maintaining public lands in public ownership is often in the public interest. However, when second-class shorelands on navigable lakes have minimal public value, the sale of those shorelands to the abutting upland owner may not be contrary to the public interest. However, the […]
RCW 79.125.460 Second-class shorelands—Sale or lease when in best public interest—Preference right of upland owner—Procedure upon determining sale or lease not in best public interest or where transfer made for public use—Platting. (1) If application is made to purchase or lease any second-class shorelands and the department deems it for the best public interest to […]