RCW 79A.40.010 Safe and adequate facilities and equipment required of owner and operator—Operator not common carrier. Every owner or operator of any recreational device designed and operated for the conveyance of persons which aids in promoting entertainment, pleasure, play, relaxation, or instruction, specifically including devices generally associated with winter sports activities such as aerial lifts, […]
RCW 79A.40.020 Plans, specifications to be submitted to state parks and recreation commission—Approval—Certification by a qualified engineer—Penalty. (1) It shall be unlawful after June 10, 1959, to construct or install any such recreational device as set forth in RCW 79A.40.010 without first submitting plans and specifications for such device to the state parks and recreation […]
RCW 79A.40.030 Orders directing repairs, improvements, changes, etc.—Notice—Forbidding operation. The state parks and recreation commission shall have the authority and the responsibility for the inspection of the devices set forth in RCW 79A.40.010 and in addition shall have the following powers and duties: (1) Whenever the commission, after hearing called upon its own motion or […]
RCW 79A.40.040 Penalty for violation of chapter or rules, etc., of parks and recreation commission. Any violation of this chapter or the rules, regulations and codes of the state parks and recreation commission relating to public safety in the construction, operation and maintenance of the recreational devices provided for in this chapter shall be a […]
RCW 79A.40.050 Inspector of recreational devices—Employees. The state parks and recreation commission shall employ or retain a person qualified in engineering experience and training who shall be designated as the inspector of recreational devices, and may employ such additional employees as are necessary to properly administer this chapter. The inspector and such additional employees may […]
RCW 79A.40.060 Powers and duties of inspector—Condemnation of equipment—Annual inspection. The inspector of recreational devices and his or her assistants shall inspect all equipment and appliances connected with the recreational devices set forth in RCW 79A.40.010 and make such reports of his or her inspection to the commission as may be required. He or she […]
RCW 79A.40.070 Program funding—Costs of inspection and plan review—Administrative fee—Fee schedule—Lien—Disposition of funds. The program authorized by this chapter and chapter 79A.45 RCW must be funded by fees charged to the owners or operators of ski areas. The expenses incurred in connection with making inspections and reviewing plans and specifications under this chapter shall be […]
RCW 79A.40.080 State immunity from liability—Actions deemed exercise of police power. Inspections, rules, and orders of the state parks and recreation commission resulting from the exercise of the provisions of this chapter and chapter 79A.45 RCW shall not in any manner be deemed to impose liability upon the state for any injury or damage resulting […]
RCW 79A.40.090 Rules and codes. The state parks and recreation commission is empowered to adopt reasonable rules and codes relating to public safety in the construction, operation, signing, and maintenance of the recreational devices provided for in this chapter. The rules and codes authorized hereunder shall be in accordance with established standards, if any, and […]
RCW 79A.40.100 Judicial review. The procedure for review of the orders or actions of the state parks and recreation commission, its agents or employees, shall be conducted in accordance with chapter 34.05 RCW. [ 2007 c 234 § 98; 1959 c 327 § 10. Formerly RCW 70.88.100.]