RCW 79A.50.010 Use of public lands for state or city park purposes—Regents’ consent, when. The department of natural resources is hereby authorized to withdraw from sale or lease, and reserve for state or city park purposes, public lands selected by the state parks and recreation commission, for such time as it shall determine will be […]
RCW 79A.50.020 Use of public lands for state or city park purposes—Rental—Deposit of rent. The department of natural resources and the state parks and recreation commission shall fix a yearly reasonable rental for the use of public lands reserved for state park purposes, which shall be paid by the commission to the department for the […]
RCW 79A.50.030 Use of public lands for state or city park purposes—Removal of timber—Consent—Compensation. No merchantable timber shall be cut or removed from lands reserved for state park purposes without the consent of the department of natural resources and without payment to the particular fund for which the lands are held in trust, the reasonable […]
RCW 79A.50.040 State lands used for state parks—Trust lands, payment of full market value rental—Other lands, rent free. The parks and recreation commission shall pay to the department of natural resources the full market value rental for state-owned lands acquired in trust from the United States that are used for state parks. All other state […]
RCW 79A.50.050 State lands used for state parks—Trust lands—Determination of full market value by board of natural resources. The full market value shall be determined by the board of natural resources for trust lands used for state park purposes. [ 1969 ex.s. c 189 § 1; 1967 ex.s. c 63 § 5. Formerly RCW 79.08.1064.]
RCW 79A.50.060 State lands used for state parks—Trust lands—Full market value rental defined—Factor in determination. The full market value rental for trust lands used by the parks and recreation commission shall be a percentage of the full market value of the land and the board of natural resources shall consider in its deliberations the average […]
RCW 79A.50.070 State lands used for state parks—Certain funds appropriated for rental to be deposited without deduction for management purposes. Any funds appropriated to the state parks and recreation commission for payment of rental for use of state lands reserved for state park purposes during the 1969-71 biennium and received by the department of natural […]
RCW 79A.50.080 Utilization of public lands for outdoor recreational and other beneficial public uses—State agency cooperation. In order to maximize outdoor recreation opportunities for the people of the state of Washington and allow for the full utilization of state owned land, all state departments and agencies are authorized and directed to cooperate together in fully […]
RCW 79A.50.090 Department estopped from certain actions respecting state parks without concurrence of commission. The department of natural resources shall not rescind the withdrawal of public land in any existing and future state park nor sell any timber or other valuable material therefrom or grant any right-of-way or easement thereon, except as provided in the […]
RCW 79A.50.100 State trust lands—Withdrawal—Revocation or modification of withdrawal when used for recreational purposes—Hearing—Notice—Board to determine most beneficial use in accordance with policy. (1) A public hearing may be held prior to any withdrawal of state trust lands and shall be held prior to any revocation of withdrawal or modification of withdrawal of state trust […]
RCW 79A.50.110 Exchange of lands to secure private lands for parks and recreation purposes. For the purpose of securing and preserving privately owned lands for parks and recreation purposes, the department of natural resources is authorized, with the advice and approval of the state board of natural resources, to exchange any state lands of equal […]