§ 10-10-1. Grounds for writ commanding arrest. At the commencement of a civil action, a writ, commanding the arrest of any person not exempt by law from arrest, shall be issued from the superior court or from any district court only after application to a justice thereof, who may, in his or her discretion, order […]
§ 10-10-10. Validity of assignments made by prisoner. All assignments, transfers, and conveyances of property made by a debtor during his or her imprisonment, for the payment or security of any debt, except that of the committing creditor, shall be utterly void, unless made for the benefit of all his or her creditors in proportion […]
§ 10-10-11. Bonds and obligations not provided for void. If any deputy sheriff, town sergeant, constable or the warden of the adult correctional institutions shall take or receive from any prisoner in his or her custody any bond, obligation, covenant, promise, or assurance whatsoever, to indemnify and save harmless the person taking the bond, obligation, […]
§ 10-10-12. Payment of prisoner’s board. Whenever any person shall be imprisoned in or committed to the adult correctional institution upon original writ, mesne process, execution, or surrender or commitment by bail, in any action whatsoever, the party at whose suit the person is imprisoned, or committed for the benefit of or at the request […]
§ 10-10-13. Discharge of prisoner on default in board payments. In case of default made in payment of the prisoner’s board, as required in § 10-10-12, the warden shall discharge such prisoner from the institution, stating in his or her formal discharge on the records of the institution the reason for the discharge. History of […]
§ 10-10-14. Board payments as costs. The amount thus paid by the creditor, for the board of the prisoner so imprisoned at his or her suit, shall be added to and form a part of the costs of commitment and detention; and as such costs, shall be paid by the prisoner in the then existing […]
§ 10-10-2. Form of writ from superior court. An original writ of arrest issued from the superior court shall be substantially in the following form: THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. SC. To the sheriffs of our several counties, or to their deputies, (SEAL) Greeting: We command you to arrest the body of ………. of ………. […]
§ 10-10-3. Form of writ from district court. An original writ of arrest issued from a district court shall be substantially in the following form: THE STATE OF RHODE ISLAND. SC. To the sheriff of the county of ………. , his or her deputies, or to either of the town sergeants or constables in said […]
§ 10-10-4. Exemption of females from arrest on contract. No female shall be arrested on original writ in any action founded on contract. History of Section.C.P.A. 1905, § 597; G.L. 1909, ch. 302, § 1; G.L. 1923, ch. 352, § 1; G.L. 1938, ch. 560, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 10-10-4.
§ 10-10-5. Exemption of voters at time of elections. No person entitled to vote shall be liable to arrest upon any civil process on the days of election of city or town officers, of state officers, representatives in congress, or of electors of president and vice-president of the United States, or on the day preceding […]
§ 10-10-6. Exemption of persons on military duty. No officer, noncommissioned officer, or private shall be arrested on civil process while going to, or coming from, or remaining at any place which he or she shall have been ordered to attend for the election of any military officer or the performance of any military duty. […]
§ 10-10-7. Custody of person arrested. Every officer who shall arrest any person by virtue of any writ of arrest, in a civil action, shall keep the person in safe custody until he or she is discharged pursuant to law. History of Section.C.P.A. 1905, § 527; G.L. 1909, ch. 300, § 5; G.L. 1923, ch. […]
§ 10-10-8. Notation of cause of action on execution and commitment. Every clerk of any court, issuing an execution against any person, shall note on the margin of the execution the cause of action on which the execution issued, to the end that the warden of the adult correctional institutions may ascertain whether the person, […]
§ 10-10-9. Privileges allowed person committed in absence of memorandum. If no memorandum as described in § 10-10-8 is made by the clerk on any execution, or if the officer shall not note the cause of action as provided in § 10-10-8 in his or her commitment, the warden of the adult correctional institutions shall […]