§ 15-3-1 — 15-3-4. Repealed. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 191, §§ 6, 6*, 7; G.L. 1909, ch. 243, §§ 6, 6*, 7; P.L. 1909, ch. 430, § 1; G.L. 1923, ch. 287, §§ 6, 7; P.L. 1927, ch. 1005, § 1; G.L. 1938, ch. 415, §§ 6, 7; G.L. 1956, §§ 15-3-1 — 15-3-4; […]
§ 15-3-10. Penalty for marriage without license or despite impediment. Every minister, elder, justice, warden, or other person who joins persons in marriage, without first receiving the license required by chapter 2 of this title, containing the required information, or whenever the solemnization of the marriage has been lawfully objected to and the impediment is […]
§ 15-3-11. Knowingly performing bigamous marriage. Every person authorized by law to join persons in marriage, who joins in marriage any woman or man that he or she knows to have a husband or wife living, shall be imprisoned not exceeding six (6) months or fined not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000). History of Section.G.L. […]
§ 15-3-12. Endorsement and return of license. (a) Every minister, elder, justice, warden, or other person who joins any persons in marriage, shall: (b) Endorse the “License and Certificate of Marriage” form, prescribed pursuant to § 15-2-7, presented to him or her by the persons, as provided in § 15-3-7, and certify that the persons […]
§ 15-3-13. Filing of return of marriage. The town or city clerk to whom the return of marriage provided for in § 15-3-12 is sent shall carefully file and preserve the return. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 191, § 16; P.L. 1898, ch. 549, § 1; G.L. 1909, ch. 243, § 16; G.L. 1923, ch. […]
§ 15-3-14. Neglect of duty by person performing ceremony. Every minister, elder, justice, warden, or other person authorized to join persons in marriage, including those authorized to join in marriage according to the Jewish religion, who fails to perform any of the duties devolved upon him or her by this chapter, shall be fined not […]
§ 15-3-15. Marriages valid despite irregularities — Penalty for marriage without compliance. (a) No marriage solemnized before a person professing to have a license to join persons in marriage as required by this chapter, or professing to be a justice of the supreme, superior, or family court, or a warden of the town of New […]
§ 15-3-16. Solemnization of marriage without authority. Every person who solemnizes a marriage without being legally authorized to do so shall be fined five hundred dollars ($500). History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 191, § 23; P.L. 1898, ch. 549, § 1; G.L. 1909, ch. 243, § 23; G.L. 1923, ch. 287, § 23; G.L. 1938, […]
§ 15-3-17. Court orders regarding invalid marriages. If, as the result of a court decision pursuant to chapter 6 of title 11, chapters 1 — 3 of this title, or chapter 3 of title 23, any marriage which has occurred in Rhode Island is declared invalid, the court shall order the state registrar of vital […]
§ 15-3-5. Officials empowered to join persons in marriage. Every ordained clergy or elder in good standing; every justice of the supreme court, superior court, family court, workers’ compensation court, district court or traffic tribunal; the clerk of the supreme court; every clerk, administrative clerk, general chief clerk, or administrator of the supreme court, superior […]
§ 15-3-6. Marriages after the manner of Friends, according to Jewish rites, or spiritual assembly of Baha’is. Any marriage which may be had and solemnized among the people called Quakers, or Friends, in the manner and form used or practiced in their societies, or among persons professing the Jewish religion, according to their rites and […]
§ 15-3-6.1. Protection of freedom of religion in marriage. (a) Consistent with the guarantees of freedom of religion set forth by both the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and Article I, Section 3 of the Rhode Island Constitution, each religious institution has exclusive control over its own religious doctrine, policy, and teachings regarding […]
§ 15-3-7. Presentation of marriage license. No minister, elder, justice, warden, or other person shall join any person in marriage until the persons to be married have presented to him or her the license named in chapter 2 of this title, and he or she has signed the certificate appended to the license. History of […]
§ 15-3-8. Witnesses to ceremony. The solemnization of marriage shall be in the presence of at least two (2) witnesses besides the minister, elder, justice, or warden officiating. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 191, § 17; P.L. 1898, ch. 549, § 1; G.L. 1909, ch. 243, § 17; G.L. 1923, ch. 287, § 17; G.L. […]
§ 15-3-9. Statement of objections to marriage. If any person has any lawful objection to the marriage of any two (2) persons, he or she may state the objection in writing, under his or her hand, to the minister, elder, justice, or warden about to solemnize the marriage, at which time the minister, elder, justice, […]