§ 16-105-1. Legislative findings. (a) The state of Rhode Island is committed to providing high-quality educational opportunities for all public school students. (b) School facilities provide more than a place for instruction. The physical learning environment contributes to the successful performance of educational programs designed to meet students’ educational needs. (c) Every student needs a […]
§ 16-105-2. School building authority established. The general assembly hereby designates the department of elementary and secondary education as the state’s school building authority with the responsibility to implement a system of state funding for school facilities designed to: (1) Promote adequate school housing for all public school children in the state; and (2) Prevent […]
§ 16-105-3. Roles and responsibilities. The school building authority roles and responsibilities shall include: (1) Management of a system with the goal of ensuring equitable and adequate school housing for all public school children in the state; (2) Prevention of the cost of school housing from interfering with the effective operation of the schools; (3) […]
§ 16-105-4. Funding mechanisms for school facilities. The school building authority within the department shall oversee and manage two distinct funding mechanisms for school facilities: the foundation program for school housing, as set forth in §§ 16-7-35 to 16-7-47, and the school building authority capital fund, as set forth in chapter 38.2 of title 45. […]
§ 16-105-5. Procedure for school building authority capital fund project approval. (a) The department of elementary and secondary education shall promulgate rules and regulations that establish the process through which a city, town, or LEA may submit an application for school building authority capital funding. The department may also prescribe, without limitation, forms for financial […]
§ 16-105-6. Inspection of approved projects. For any approved project, the school building authority shall have the authority to inspect the construction and operation thereof to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter. History of Section.P.L. 2015, ch. 141, art. 9, § 2.
§ 16-105-7. Expenses incurred by the school building authority. In order to provide for one-time or limited expenses of the school building authority under this chapter, the Rhode Island health and educational building corporation shall provide funding from the school building authority capital fund, fees generated from the origination of municipal bonds and other financing […]
§ 16-105-8. School building authority advisory board established. (a) There is hereby established a school building authority advisory board that shall advise the school building authority regarding the best use of the school building authority capital fund, including the setting of statewide priorities, criteria for project approval, and recommendations for project approval and prioritization. (b) […]
§ 16-105-9. Severability. If any provision of this chapter or the application of this chapter to any person or circumstances is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter […]