§ 16-42.2-1. Academy established. There is created the Rhode Island academy for gifted and talented limited English proficient students within the department of elementary and secondary education, referred to as “the LEP Academy”. The role of the LEP Academy will be to offer the opportunity for uniquely challenging education for gifted and talented limited English […]
§ 16-42.2-2. Findings. The general assembly has found and declares that: (1) Increasing numbers of limited English proficient students are entering Rhode Island public schools, and they must have equal access to gifted and talented programs; (2) That the state should encourage programs for gifted and talented students from among special populations, including LEP students; […]
§ 16-42.2-3. Operations. The department of elementary and secondary education shall: (1) Establish policies and procedures for the academy consistent with this chapter; (2) Carry out the following responsibilities: (i) Inform all school systems of the functions and funding of the academy; (ii) Review and approve proposals submitted by local school systems; (iii) Help to […]