§ 17-10-1. Maintenance of registration — Inactive file. (a) The local board or its duly authorized agent shall maintain the files of registration cards in a condition that will correctly represent the registration of qualified voters at all times. It shall continually purge the cards of voters no longer qualified to vote in the city […]
§ 17-10-10. Corrections by state board. The state board may request any local board to make any correction in any voting list, and if the local board does not immediately comply with the request, the state board may make the correction itself, and this correction shall not be changed except on order of the supreme […]
§ 17-10-11. Right to appeal striking of name. Whenever the local board of any town or city at any meeting held for the purpose of canvassing the rights and correcting the lists of voters rejects, or causes to be stricken from the voting list, the name of any person qualified to vote, the person whose […]
§ 17-10-12. Notification to local board members and clerk. Upon the filing of the appeal, the state board of elections shall immediately cause the members and clerk of the local board to appear before the state board, at a time and place to be set by the board. History of Section.P.L. 1898, ch. 583, § […]
§ 17-10-13. Dismissal of appeal — Order entering name on lists. If, upon a hearing, the state board finds that the name of the appellant is not entitled to be placed or to remain upon the voting list, the appeal shall be dismissed. If, however, the state board finds that the name of the appellant […]
§ 17-10-14. Final list — Certification. The registration, as finally corrected pursuant to this chapter, shall constitute the voting list to be used at the election for which it has been canvassed, and shall be certified for use pursuant to chapter 19 of this title. Only the original of the list needs to be signed […]
§ 17-10-15. Use of registration cards at polls. (a) The local board shall remove from the container used for that purpose the original registration cards of persons found by the board not to be qualified to vote at the election for which the registry has been canvassed pursuant to this chapter. These removed cards shall […]
§ 17-10-16. Challenge lists. The local board shall prepare and annex a “challenge list” to each of these canvassed and certified voting lists. The challenge list shall consist of the names and addresses of all persons who are determined to be ineligible to vote in the ensuing election at any time after the final list […]
§ 17-10-17. Change of registration records on change of voting district boundaries. When the boundaries of any voting district are changed, it shall be the duty of the local board to correct the registration cards and voting lists and to transfer the cards of the registered voters affected by the change, and to notify the […]
§ 17-10-18. Temporary registration certificates. Temporary registration certificates may be issued by a local board upon proof by any qualified voter that the voter’s registration card has been erroneously removed from the voting list. The temporary certificates shall be issued under the conditions and in the manner prescribed in chapter 19 of this title. History […]
§ 17-10-19. False entry or erasure with intent to change voting rights. Every person who, at any time, willfully or fraudulently adds a name to a list of voters or erases any name from the list after the list has been corrected for certification pursuant to law, or makes an entry in the registry book […]
§ 17-10-2. Right to vote unprejudiced by errors. A voter’s registration shall not be invalidated nor the voter’s right to vote be prejudiced by any error in filing registration cards or in the preparation of lists of voters or in making any change or transfer in the records. History of Section.P.L. 1951 (s.s.), ch. 2870, […]
§ 17-10-20. Neglect of duty by public officers. Any public officer upon whom a duty is imposed by this chapter or chapter 9.1 of this title, who willfully neglects to perform the duty, shall be guilty of a felony. History of Section.P.L. 1951 (s.s.), ch. 2870, § 30; P.L. 1956, ch. 3734, § 1; G.L. […]
§ 17-10-21. Right to vote or validity of election unaffected by neglect of duty. The failure of any local board to perform any of its duties required by law shall not affect the validity of an election or a financial town meeting or the right of any person to vote, except as the right to […]
§ 17-10-22. Certified copies of lists of persons voting. Every clerk of a local board, upon payment or tender of his or her legal fees, shall furnish to any one demanding it a certified copy of any list of voters whose votes have been given in any election. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 7, § […]
§ 17-10-23. Certified copies of registration records. Every clerk of a local board shall, upon payment or tender, furnish to any person demanding it a certified copy of any registration of voters, and every town clerk shall also, upon request of any person and tender of legal fees, and without any unreasonable delay, examine the […]
§ 17-10-24 — 17-10-27. Repealed. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 7, §§ 6, 14, 15, 16; G.L. 1909, ch. 7, §§ 6, 14, 15, 16; G.L. 1909, ch. 7, §§ 19, 27 — 29; P.L. 1910, ch. 640, § 1; G.L. 1923, ch. 7, §§ 19, 27 — 29; G.L. 1938, ch. 312, §§ 20, […]
§ 17-10-28 — 17-10-31. [Renumbered.]
§ 17-10-3. Publication of preliminary lists. (a) Immediately after the close of registration for each general election and each primary election for a general election, the local board shall publish and post a preliminary list of all persons who appear from the registration cards to be duly registered to vote at the next ensuing election. […]
§ 17-10-4. Defacement of posted lists. Every person who unlawfully takes down, defaces, or destroys any list of voters posted up as provided in § 17-10-3 shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 8, § 8; G.L. 1909, ch. 8, § 8; G.L. 1909, ch. 8, § 5; P.L. 1910, […]