§ 17-21.1-1. Applicability. This chapter is enacted pursuant to Public Law 94-203, passed by the congress of the United States and approved on January 2, 1976, and applies to all federal elections to select, nominate, and/or elect candidates for president, vice-president, presidential electors, members of the United States senate, and members of the United States […]
§ 17-21.1-2. Absentee registration. (a) Any person otherwise qualified pursuant to this title who is a citizen of the United States and is absent from this state and residing outside the United States shall have the right to register absentee and vote by an absentee ballot in any federal election in this state in any […]
§ 17-21.1-3. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1976, ch. 258, § 1; P.L. 1994, ch. 171, § 9; P.L. 1999, ch. 357, § 1; P.L. 2004, ch. 6, § 47; Repealed by P.L. 2005, ch. 354, § 3; P.L. 2005, ch. 396, § 3, effective July 19, 2005.
§ 17-21.1-4. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1976, ch. 258, § 1; P.L. 1999, ch. 357, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 2005, ch. 354, § 3; P.L. 2005, ch. 396, § 3, effective July 19, 2005.
§ 17-21.1-5. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1976, ch. 258, § 1; P.L. 1992, ch. 252, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 2005, ch. 354, § 3; P.L. 2005, ch. 396, § 3, effective July 19, 2005.
§ 17-21.1-6. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1976, ch. 258, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 2005, ch. 354, § 3; P.L. 2005, ch. 396, § 3, effective July 19, 2005.
§ 17-21.1-7. Repealed. History of Section.P.L. 1976, ch. 258, § 1; Repealed by P.L. 2005, ch. 354, § 3; P.L. 2005, ch. 396, § 3, effective July 19, 2005.