§ 17-3-1. Time of election — Term of office. Senators and representatives in the general assembly shall be elected biennially, at general elections, in each senatorial and representative district in accordance with the provisions of this title; and shall hold their respective offices for two (2) years beginning on the first Tuesday of January, next […]
§ 17-3-2. Adjournment of election meetings. All senatorial district, representative district, and voting district meetings held in any district for the election of senators and representatives in the general assembly, or of any one or more of them, shall, at the time of closing the polls in that district as prescribed by law, stand adjourned […]
§ 17-3-3. Adjourned elections on failure to elect. If it appears by the count of the state board that no election has been made of any one or more of the senators or representatives in the general assembly, at any election held for those officers, the board shall, immediately after the count, notify the secretary […]
§ 17-3-4. Candidates and ballots at adjourned elections. At the adjourned elections provided for in § 17-3-3, the official ballot shall contain the names of the candidates for the offices for which there was no choice at the first election, and shall be printed and supplied by the secretary of state; provided, that in case […]
§ 17-3-5. Death, refusal, or incapacity of senator or representative elect. (a) Whenever any person elected a senator or representative in the general assembly, at any time between the day of his or her election and the beginning of his or her term of office, refuses to serve and so declares to the secretary of […]
§ 17-3-6. Vacancy in general assembly — Special elections. (a) Whenever from any cause a vacancy occurs in the representation of any senatorial or representative district in the general assembly while the general assembly is in session, the secretary of state shall cause the local board of the city or town to issue a warrant […]
§ 17-3-7. Nominations at special elections. For the elections provided for in §§ 17-3-5 and 17-3-6, certificates of nomination and nomination papers may be filed twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of those primary elections. History of Section.P.L. 1905, ch. 1230, § 7; G.L. 1909, ch. 15, § 7; G.L. 1923, ch. 14, § […]
§ 17-3-8. Failure to issue warrant for election. Every member of a local board who neglects to seasonably issue his or her warrant as provided in this chapter shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. History of Section.P.L. 1905, ch. 1230, § 8; G.L. 1909, ch. 15, § 8; G.L. 1923, ch. 14, § 8; […]