Section 30-1-1. – Short title.
§ 30-1-1. Short title. Chapters 1 — 14 of this title shall be cited and known as the “Military Code of Rhode Island”. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, G.L. 1956, § 30-1-1.
§ 30-1-1. Short title. Chapters 1 — 14 of this title shall be cited and known as the “Military Code of Rhode Island”. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, G.L. 1956, § 30-1-1.
§ 30-1-10. Conformity of state provisions to federal law. The intent of chapters 1 — 14 of this title is to conform to all acts and regulations of the United States affecting the same subjects, and all provisions of these chapters shall be construed to effect this purpose. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. […]
§ 30-1-11. Command exercised by national guard officer. Whenever different parts of the militia are ordered out together for any services within the state, or otherwise are on duty together, the senior commissioned officer of the field or line of the national guard shall be in command of all those different parts of the militia. […]
§ 30-1-12, 30-1-13. Repealed.
§ 30-1-2. Male members. The militia of the state shall consist of all able-bodied male citizens of the state and all other able-bodied males who have, or shall have, declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, resident within the state, and who shall be more than eighteen (18) years of age and, […]
§ 30-1-3. Female members. The governor may authorize the appointment or enlistment of female citizens of the state between the ages of eighteen (18) and forty-five (45) in the medical corps, nursing corps, and other noncombatant branches and services of the national guard or unorganized militia, and while so serving, they shall have the same […]
§ 30-1-4. Classes of militia. The militia of the state shall be divided into four (4) classes: (1) The Rhode Island national guard, which shall be sub-divided into the Rhode Island army national guard and the Rhode Island air national guard; (2) The naval militia; (3) The independent chartered military organizations; and (4) The unorganized […]
§ 30-1-5. Composition of unorganized militia. The unorganized militia shall consist of all persons liable to service in the militia who are not members of the national guard, naval militia, or independent chartered military organizations. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 3; G.L. 1956, § 30-1-5.
§ 30-1-6. Enrollment. Whenever the governor deems it necessary, he or she may order an enrollment to be made of all persons liable to service in the militia. The enrollment shall be accomplished and exemptions from liability to perform militia duty shall be determined and established in accordance with rules and regulations to be prescribed […]
§ 30-1-7. Persons exempt. The following persons shall be exempt from militia duty: (1) Persons exempt from militia duty by the laws of the United States; (2) Persons who have held the office of governor or lieutenant-governor of the state; and (3) Persons of the following description, so long as they shall remain of the […]
§ 30-1-8. Conscientious objectors. All persons who because of religious belief shall claim exemption from militia service, if the conscientious holding of that belief by the person shall be established under the regulations prescribed by the governor, shall be exempted from militia service in a combatant capacity, but no person so exempted shall be exempt […]
§ 30-1-9. Federal laws and customs applicable. All acts of the Congress of the United States, regulations issued thereunder, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S.C. §§ 801 — 946), forms, precedents, customs, and usages relating to and governing the army of the United States and the militia shall, insofar as they are applicable […]