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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 30 - Military Affairs and Defense » Chapter 30-13 - Rhode Island Code of Military Justice

Section 30-13-117. – Frauds against government.

§ 30-13-117. Frauds against government. Any person subject to this code: (1) Who, knowing it to be false or fraudulent: (A) Makes any claim against the United States, the state, or any officer thereof; or (B) Presents to any person in the civil, or military service thereof, for approval or payment any claim against the […]

Section 30-13-118. – Larceny and wrongful appropriation.

§ 30-13-118. Larceny and wrongful appropriation. (a) Any person subject to this code who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds, by any means, from the possession of the owner or of any other person any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind: (1) With intent permanently to deprive or defraud another person of […]

Section 30-13-119. – Unbecoming conduct.

§ 30-13-119. Unbecoming conduct. Any commissioned officer who is convicted of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, or unbecoming an officer and a lady, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 30-13-119; P.L. 1962, ch. 82, § 1.

Section 30-13-12. – Reports and receiving of prisoners.

§ 30-13-12. Reports and receiving of prisoners. (a) No provost marshal, commander of a guard, master at arms, warden, keeper, or officer of a city or county jail or any other jail, penitentiary, or prison designated under § 30-13-11, may refuse to receive or keep any prisoner committed to his or her charge, when the […]

Section 30-13-120. – General disorders and neglect.

§ 30-13-120. General disorders and neglect. Though not specifically mentioned in this code, all disorders and neglects to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the state military forces, of which persons subject to this code may be guilty, shall be taken cognizance of by a general, special, or summary court-martial, according to the […]

Section 30-13-121. – Courts of inquiry.

§ 30-13-121. Courts of inquiry. (a) Courts of inquiry to investigate any matter may be convened by the governor or by any other person designated by the governor for that purpose, whether or not the persons involved have requested an inquiry. (b) A court of inquiry consists of three (3) or more commissioned officers. For […]

Section 30-13-122. – Authority to administer oaths.

§ 30-13-122. Authority to administer oaths. (a) The following members of the state military forces may administer oaths for the purposes of military administration, including military justice, and affidavits may be taken for those purposes before persons having the general powers of a notary public: (1) The state judge advocate and all assistant state judge […]

Section 30-13-123. – Provisions to be explained.

§ 30-13-123. Provisions to be explained. Sections 30-13-2, 30-13-3, 30-13-7 — 30-13-15, 30-13-27, 30-13-29, 30-13-40, 30-13-58, 30-13-76 — 30-13-118, and 30-13-123 — 30-13-125 shall be carefully explained to every enlisted member at the time of that member’s enlistment or transfer or induction into, or at the time of his or her order to duty in […]

Section 30-13-124. – Complaints of wrongs.

§ 30-13-124. Complaints of wrongs. Any member of the state military forces who believes himself or herself wronged by his or her commanding officer, and who, upon due application to that commanding officer, is refused redress, may complain to any superior commissioned officer, who shall forward the complaint to the governor or adjutant general. History […]

Section 30-13-125. – Redress of injuries to property.

§ 30-13-125. Redress of injuries to property. (a) Whenever complaint is made to any commanding officer that willful damage has been done to the property of any person or that person’s property has been wrongfully taken by members of the state military forces, that officer may, subject to such regulations as the governor may prescribe, […]

Section 30-13-126. – Execution of processes and sentences.

§ 30-13-126. Execution of processes and sentences. In addition to the officers prescribed under the laws and regulations of the United States and in § 30-13-127(b), all processes and sentences of the military courts of the state military forces shall be directed to, and executed by, any deputy sheriff, town sergeant, constable, member of the […]

Section 30-13-127. – Process of military courts.

§ 30-13-127. Process of military courts. (a) Military courts may issue any process or mandate necessary to carry into effect their powers. A military court may issue subpoenas and subpoenas duces tecum and enforce by attachment attendance of witnesses and production of books, and records, when it is sitting within the state and the witnesses, […]

Section 30-13-128. – Payment of fines and disposition thereof.

§ 30-13-128. Payment of fines and disposition thereof. Fines imposed by a military court may be paid to it or to an officer executing its process. The amount of an imposed fine may be noted upon any state roll or account for pay of the delinquent and deducted from any pay or allowance due or […]

Section 30-13-129. – Immunity for action of military courts.

§ 30-13-129. Immunity for action of military courts. No accused may bring an action or proceeding against the convening authority or a member of a military court, or officer or person acting under its authority or reviewing its proceedings, because of the approval, imposition, or execution of any sentence, or the imposition or collection of […]

Section 30-13-13. – Punishment prohibited before trial.

§ 30-13-13. Punishment prohibited before trial. Subject to § 30-13-60, no person, while being held for trial or pending the result of trial, may be subjected to punishment or penalty other than arrest or confinement upon the charges pending against that person, nor shall the arrest or confinement imposed upon him or her be any […]

Section 30-13-130. – Presumption of jurisdiction.

§ 30-13-130. Presumption of jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the military courts and boards established by this code shall be presumed and the burden of proof rests on any person seeking to oust those courts or boards of jurisdiction in any action or proceeding. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 30-13-130; P.L. 1962, ch. 82, § 1.

Section 30-13-131. – Delegation of authority by governor.

§ 30-13-131. Delegation of authority by governor. The governor may delegate any authority vested in him or her under this code, and may provide for the subdelegation of any of that authority, except the power given him or her by §§ 30-13-21 and 30-13-24. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 30-13-131; P.L. 1962, ch. 82, § […]

Section 30-13-132. – Conformity to federal law.

§ 30-13-132. Conformity to federal law. The military courts of this state shall be constituted like, have cognizance of the same subjects as, and possess like powers as, except as to punishments, similar courts provided for by the laws and regulations governing the army of the United States and the proceedings of state military courts […]

Section 30-13-133. – Expenses of courts.

§ 30-13-133. Expenses of courts. The expenses incident to, and connected with, the holding of military courts and courts of inquiry shall be paid by the state under orders, rules, and regulations issued by the governor. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 30-13-133; P.L. 1962, ch. 82, § 1.

Section 30-13-134. – Uniformity of law.

§ 30-13-134. Uniformity of law. This chapter shall be so construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of this state, so far as practical, with the law of the United States. History of Section.G.L. 1956, § 30-13-134; P.L. 1962, ch. 82, § 1.