§ 30-19-1. Obtaining federal loans. Every minor of sane mind, whether or not under guardianship by reason of minority, who, under the provisions of federal law is eligible for housing loans, may, with the same force, effect, and validity as if that minor were eighteen (18) years of age with full legal capacity, enter into, […]
§ 30-19-2. Execution of mortgages. Without limiting the generality of § 30-19-1, a minor veteran as described in § 30-19-1 may, with like force, effect, and validity, execute, acknowledge, and deliver mortgages of real property containing such powers of sale, conditions, and covenants as are usual in mortgages taken by savings banks in this state, […]
§ 30-19-3. Purchase of insurance. A minor veteran may, with like force, effect, and validity, purchase and own policies of insurance relating to real or personal property mortgaged to secure any loan described in § 30-19-1 and may make any policy payable in case of loss to any holder of any mortgage on the property, […]
§ 30-19-4. Power to receive proceeds of guaranteed loan. The funds loaned on any housing loan guaranteed, in part or in full, under the provisions of federal law may be paid over by the lender to the minor receiving that loan or at the direction of the minor and no person or corporation making payment […]
§ 30-19-5. Powers of minor spouse. Any minor spouse of any person who under the provisions of federal law is eligible for housing loans and whether or not under guardianship by reason of minority, may, with the same force, effect, and validity as if he or she were eighteen (18) years of age with full […]
§ 30-19-6. Supersession of other law — Liberal construction. The provisions of this chapter shall be given full effect notwithstanding the provisions of § 33-15-13 or any other provisions of law contrary to the provisions of this chapter. This chapter shall be construed liberally so as to enable eligible veterans who are minors and their […]