§ 30-2-1. Commander-in-chief. The governor shall be the captain general and commander-in-chief of the military and naval forces of the state, except when they shall be called into the service of the United States. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 15; G.L. 1956, § 30-2-1.
§ 30-2-10. Order of militia into service to meet federal call. (a) Whenever the militia, or any part thereof, is called, ordered, or drafted under the Constitution and laws of the United States, the governor shall order for this service the national guard, the naval militia, if organized, and if the number available is insufficient, […]
§ 30-2-11. Order of militia into service for training. The governor may order or authorize the militia, or any portion thereof, to perform military duty of every description and to participate, either within or without the state, in drills, instruction, target practice, practice marches, camps of instruction, encampments, maneuvers, assemblages, conferences, schools, or competitions. History […]
§ 30-2-12. Adjutant general — Appointment and duties. There shall be an adjutant general with rank not to exceed that of lieutenant general. The adjutant general shall be appointed by the governor and shall hold office for a term of four (4) years from the time of appointment and until his or her successor shall […]
§ 30-2-13. Qualifications of adjutant general. No person shall be eligible to hold the office of adjutant general unless he or she holds, or has held, a commission of at least colonel in the armed forces of the United States, or in a reserve component thereof, and shall have served not less than five (5) […]
§ 30-2-14. Bond of adjutant general. The governor shall require the adjutant general to give bond to the state in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), with good and sufficient surety, to be approved by the governor, to faithfully discharge the duties of his or her office as adjutant general. The costs of the […]
§ 30-2-15. Seal of office. The adjutant general shall have a seal of office approved by the governor, and all papers and copies thereof in the military division of the executive department duly certified and authenticated under that seal shall be evidence in like manner as if the original were produced. History of Section.P.L. 1956, […]
§ 30-2-16. Assistant adjutants general. There shall be two (2) assistant adjutants general with rank not to exceed that of brigadier general, one of whom shall be detailed by the adjutant general, with the approval of the governor, from the federally recognized officers, or from the retired officers, of the Rhode Island army national guard, […]
§ 30-2-17. Quartermaster. (a) The governor shall appoint, designate, or detail, upon recommendation of the adjutant general, subject to the approval of the secretary of defense, an officer of the national guard who shall be regarded as property and fiscal officer of the United States, and state property officer. He or she shall receipt and […]
§ 30-2-18. Annual report of adjutant general. The adjutant general shall annually make a report of the militia to the general assembly at its January session, and also present a copy of the report to the governor on or before the first day of January or at such other time as he or she shall […]
§ 30-2-19. Care of military property — Annual inventory — Rental of armories. The adjutant general shall attend to the care, preservation, and repairing of the arms, ammunition, equipment, clothing, and all other military property belonging to the state, except insofar as this duty has been reposed in the department of administration. He or she […]
§ 30-2-2. Staff of commander-in-chief. There shall be a staff of the commander-in-chief. The staff shall consist of: (1) The adjutant general who shall be chief of staff, commanding general of the Rhode Island army and air national guard, and paymaster general with the rank not to exceed that of major general; (2) The assistant […]
§ 30-2-20. Annual inspection of armories and property. The adjutant general shall annually cause to be made an inspection of the armories of the militia, and of the arms, equipments, uniforms, and other property in the possession of the militia. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 34; G.L. 1956, § 30-2-20.
§ 30-2-21. Seniority list of officers. The adjutant general shall, as part of his or her annual report, annually publish a list showing the seniority of officers, with the dates of their commissions or warrants. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 36; G.L. 1956, § 30-2-21.
§ 30-2-22. Publication of laws and regulations — Forms, stationery, and postage. The adjutant general may, when necessary, cause the militia laws and regulations of the state, together with such parts of the Constitution, laws, and regulations of the United States, as relate thereto, as he or she deems necessary, to be prepared, procured, printed, […]
§ 30-2-3. Rules and regulations. The governor may make and publish all necessary rules and regulations and issue such orders as may be necessary for the organization, discipline, government, training, and use of the militia of the state and they shall have the force and effect of law. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. […]
§ 30-2-4. Approval of vouchers. The governor shall not be required to sign or approve vouchers provided for in chapters 1 — 14 of this title; provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall apply to payments required to be made for expenses and payment of the militia when ordered into service under the […]
§ 30-2-5. Declaration of martial law. In case of war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, riot, tumult, public calamity or catastrophe, or other emergency, or imminent danger thereof, or resistance to the laws of this state, or the United States, the governor may, if in his or her judgment the maintenance of law and order and the […]
§ 30-2-6. Order of militia into service. (a) In case of martial law, war, invasion, rebellion, insurrection, riot, tumult, public calamity or catastrophe, or other emergency, or imminent danger thereof, or resistance to the laws of this state, or the United States, the governor shall order into service all or any part of the militia […]
§ 30-2-7. Call of boards of officers. The governor, whenever in his or her opinion it shall be necessary, may call boards of officers for settling military questions or for other purposes relative to good order and discipline. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 21; G.L. 1956, § 30-2-7.