§ 30-24-1. Management and control. The management and control of the Rhode Island veterans’ home, established in this state for those who served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, merchant marines, or air force of the United States in any war or conflict and were honorably discharged therefrom, who shall be in need […]
§ 30-24-10. Admissible to home — Fees. (a) Any person who has served in the army, navy, marine corps, coast guard, or air force of the United States for a period of ninety (90) days or more and that period began or ended during any foreign war in which the United States shall have been […]
§ 30-24-10.1. Domiciliary care program for homeless veterans. The director of the department of human services is hereby authorized and empowered to establish and maintain a domiciliary care program for homeless veterans (veterans transitional supportive program, V.T.S.P.) at the Rhode Island veterans’ home. Any veteran admitted to the Rhode Island veterans’ home pursuant to this […]
§ 30-24-11. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part of this chapter is adjudged by any court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, that judgment will not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but will be confined in its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, section, or part directly involved in the […]
§ 30-24-2. Bylaws and regulations — Supervision by director. (a) The director of human services, or his or her designee, shall have the general supervision over, and shall prescribe rules for, the government and management of the Rhode Island veterans’ home. He or she shall make all needful bylaws and regulations governing the admission, maintenance, […]
§ 30-24-3. Administrator — Advisory council. (a) The director of veterans services shall appoint an administrator for the Rhode Island veterans’ home who shall be an honorably discharged veteran of the United States Armed Forces. (b) There shall be an advisory council for veterans’ affairs, consisting of not more than fifteen (15) qualified electors of […]
§ 30-24-4. Appointments to advisory council — Organization and meetings. Annually, on or before July 1, the governor shall appoint a successor of each member of the advisory council whose term expires, these appointments to be for a term of three (3) years. In case of any vacancy or additional members on the council, the […]
§ 30-24-5. Functions of advisory council. The advisory council for veterans’ affairs shall exercise and perform all the duties and functions formerly exercised and performed by the advisory council for the Rhode Island veterans’ home. The advisory council for the Rhode Island veterans’ home is hereby abolished. The advisory council for veterans’ affairs shall make […]
§ 30-24-6. Acceptance of gifts — Veterans’ home restricted account. (a) The director of human services is hereby authorized and empowered to take and receive in the name of the state any grant, devise, gift, or bequest of real or personal property that may be made for the use and benefit of the Rhode Island […]
§ 30-24-7. Repealed. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 88, § 15; G.L. 1909, ch. 104, § 18; G.L. 1923, ch. 116, § 18; G.L. 1938, ch. 654, § 13; impl. am. P.L. 1949, ch. 2166, § 1; G.L. 1956, § 30-24-7; Repealed by P.L. 1976, ch. 102, § 2.
§ 30-24-8. Funds remaining at end of year. The unexpended balance of such sum or sums of money as are received and appropriated as provided in § 30-24-6 for the veterans’ home restricted account remaining in the treasury at the close of each fiscal year, shall be continued to, and is hereby annually appropriated for, […]
§ 30-24-9. Property of deceased residents. All goods, chattels, property, money, and effects of a deceased resident of the Rhode Island veterans’ home that have not been disposed of by him or her by a completed inter vivos conveyance or gift, or by a valid will, after payment therefrom of the funeral expenses, which shall […]