§ 30-29-1. Permanent committee — Composition. There is hereby created a permanent committee on naval affairs, to consist of sixteen (16) members, six (6) of whom shall be appointed by the speaker, at least one of whom shall be a member of the house of representatives, and at least one of whom shall be a […]
§ 30-29-2. Selection of officers — Staff requirements. Upon organization of the committee on naval affairs, by majority vote, one of its members shall be chosen as chairperson, another of its members shall be chosen vice chairperson, and another of its members shall be chosen secretary. The director of the commerce corporation shall provide the […]
§ 30-29-3. Duties. It shall be the duty of the committee on naval affairs to meet from time to time: (1) To discuss matters of mutual concern to the naval community and the state and to make recommendations to appropriate agencies as to how best to foster and continue a spirit of harmony and cooperation […]
§ 30-29-4. Reports and recommendations. The committee on naval affairs shall, from time to time and at least annually, report to the general assembly on its findings and the results of its activities and shall make such recommendations to the general assembly, and propose such legislation or initiate such studies, as it shall deem advisable. […]
§ 30-29-5. Place of meeting — Quorum. The committee on naval affairs shall hold its meetings whenever and wherever it will best serve its purposes. A majority of the members of the committee shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. History of Section.P.L. 1970, ch. 105, § 1.
§ 30-29-6. Continuation of authority. The legislative authority for the existence of the permanent committee on naval affairs shall continue until such time as determined by the legislative oversight commission. History of Section.P.L. 1979, ch. 358, § 2.
§ 30-29-7. Solicitation of funds. The committee on naval affairs may designate any person or persons to solicit funds for the committee, from the general public, government, or otherwise, in furtherance of the pursuits of the committee. The committee shall designate those persons by vote of the committee and shall supply each person designated with […]