§ 30-3-28. Transfer of enlisted persons. (a) Enlisted persons in the national guard may be transferred to or from units, organizations, departments, corps, and detachments, or otherwise, as provided under the laws and regulations of the United States pertaining to the national guard. (b) In each case of transfer, the office of the adjutant general […]
§ 30-3-29. Means of separation of enlisted persons. The separation from the service of an enlisted person of the national guard is effected by death or by discharge by proper authority. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 82; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-29.
§ 30-3-3. Protection of designations. During the absence of organizations of the national guard in the service of the United States, their designation shall not be given to, or used by, any other organization. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 47; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-3.
§ 30-3-30. Causes for discharge of enlisted persons. Causes for the discharge of enlisted persons of the national guard are as enumerated under the laws of the United States, and the regulations pertaining to the national guard, and for such other reason as the governor deems adequate, satisfactory, and for the best interests of the […]
§ 30-3-31. Dishonorable discharge of enlisted persons. No enlisted person of the national guard shall be dishonorably discharged from the service except by reason of a sentence of a general court-martial or a special court-martial, which sentence is approved by the governor. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 84; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-31.
§ 30-3-32. Form of discharge of enlisted persons — Discharge prior to expiration of enlistment. An enlisted person discharged from service in the national guard shall receive a discharge, in writing, in such form and with such classification as is, or shall be, prescribed by the laws of the United States. In time of peace, […]
§ 30-3-33. Promotion and reduction of enlisted persons. The appointment of noncommissioned officers, privates first class, and specialists, in the national guard, and their reductions, shall be made as provided by the laws of the United States and the regulations pertaining to the national guard and of this state. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, […]
§ 30-3-34. Detail of retired enlisted persons to duty. In time of war or other emergency or imminent danger thereof, the governor may detail retired enlisted persons to active duty and, on conclusion of the emergency, return them to the retired list. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 87; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-34.
§ 30-3-35. Oath of enlistment — False statements. Any federally recognized commissioned officer of the national guard of Rhode Island may administer the oath of enlistment to enlisted persons of the national guard, either within or without the state. A person making oath to any willfully false statement contained in the enlistment contract shall be […]
§ 30-3-36. Retirement or discharge of national guard at maximum age. When an enlisted person of the national guard attains age sixty (60), he or she shall be retired from active service or discharged. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 89; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-36; P.L. 1965, ch. 71, § 1.
§ 30-3-37. Retirement of enlisted persons. Any enlisted person who shall have served in the national guard for fifteen (15) years may, upon his or her own application to the commander-in-chief, be placed upon the retired list of enlisted persons and withdrawn from active service; provided, however, that if an enlisted person served in active […]
§ 30-3-38. Retirement of officers. (a) Every commissioned officer or warrant officer of the national guard shall, upon reaching the age of retirement as provided by the laws of the United States, be placed on the retired list with the rank held by him or her at the time of retirement. (b) Any commissioned officer […]
§ 30-3-39. Disability retirement. Any commissioned officer, warrant officer, or enlisted person, of the national guard, physically disabled in the line of duty, may upon his or her own application to the commander-in-chief, be placed upon the retired list and withdrawn from active service with the highest rank to which he or she has attained. […]
§ 30-3-4. Personnel of disbanded organizations. Whenever any organization of the national guard is disbanded, the personnel thereof shall be disposed of in accordance with regulations. History of Section.P.L. 1956, ch. 3742, par. 48; G.L. 1956, § 30-3-4.
§ 30-3-40. Entitlement to educational benefits. Any person who is an active member of the Rhode Island national guard and who is enrolled in, or otherwise eligible to attend, any college or university in Rhode Island and who is not eligible to receive Veterans Administration educational benefits, shall be entitled to an educational benefit amounting […]
§ 30-3-40.1. Limitations and distribution of educational benefits. Educational benefits supported by state funds shall be limited in the aggregate to the amount hereafter appropriated, or as much thereof as the general assembly may annually appropriate, and distribution of funds in support of educational benefits for national guard members shall be made to any college […]
§ 30-3-40.2. Termination of educational benefits. In the event of a resumption of a national system of selective service, the provisions of §§ 30-3-40 and 30-3-40.1 shall be terminated within a period of twelve (12) months of the effective date of this selective service and no further state funds shall be appropriated for educational benefits […]
§ 30-3-40.3. Educational benefits for National Guard members. (a) Any person who is an active member in good standing of the Rhode Island national guard, and who is eligible to attend at any state college or university in Rhode Island, will be eligible for a tuition assistance educational benefit amounting to five (5) courses per […]
§ 30-3-40.4. Payment of life insurance premiums. Any member of the national guard who has been mobilized in excess of thirty (30) days and who elects coverage under a term life insurance policy issued by the federal government, shall be reimbursed from the general fund for the cost of premiums incurred by the member for […]
§ 30-3-40.5. Tuition to children of National Guard members dying as a result of service. If an active member of the Rhode Island national guard is killed or dies while in the performance of his or her duty as a member, there shall be paid out of the general fund of the state of Rhode […]