§ 31-38-1. Vehicles without required equipment or in unsafe condition — Inspection sticker for used cars for sale required. (a) No person shall sell at retail, drive, or move on any highway any motor vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer or any combination of them unless the equipment upon the vehicle is in good working […]
§ 31-38-10. Grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of permit. The director may deny an application for a permit or suspend or revoke a permit after it has been granted for any of the following reasons: (1) On proof of unfitness of the applicant to do business as a motor vehicle inspection station; (2) For […]
§ 31-38-11. Penalty for violation. Any person violating any of the provisions of §§ 31-38-1 — 31-38-10 of this chapter, or of the rules and regulations established by the director of the department of revenue as provided in this chapter, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars […]
§ 31-38-12. Fee for inspection certificates. (a) The director of the department of revenue, or his or her designee, shall collect a fee of four dollars ($4.00) for each certificate of inspection issued, and the monies received shall be turned over to the general treasurer to be deposited in the general funds of the state. […]
§ 31-38-13. Fleet operators. Every person who shall provide maintenance facilities for the servicing of vehicles used in his or her business, except licensed motor vehicle dealers, which facilities shall be approved by the director of the department of revenue, and shall maintain any records and follow any procedures that shall be established by the […]
§ 31-38-14. Vehicles exempt from inspections. (a) The following vehicles shall be exempt from inspections: (1) All trailers or semi-trailers having a gross weight of one thousand pounds (1,000 lbs.) or less; (2) Any special mobile equipment which is not required to be registered; and (3) Vehicles that are limited in their scope of operation […]
§ 31-38-15. [Repealed.] History of Section.P.L. 1977, ch. 14, § 2; P.L. 1981, ch. 349, § 1; P.L. 2001, ch. 180, § 68; P.L. 2006, ch. 14, § 5; P.L. 2006, ch. 16, § 5; P.L. 2008, ch. 98, § 26; P.L. 2008, ch. 145, § 26; Repealed by P.L. 2019, ch. 88, art. 4, […]
§ 31-38-16. [Repealed.] History of Section.P.L. 1977, ch. 14, § 2; Repealed by P.L. 2019, ch. 88, art. 4, § 8, effective July 5, 2019.
§ 31-38-17. Procedure for a review of an order of the director of revenue. (a) Any person aggrieved by an order of the director of revenue pertaining to either a suspension, revocation, or denial of an application for a permit may appeal from the order of the director by filing a notice of request for […]
§ 31-38-18. Conduct of hearings. The director of the department of revenue shall hold and conduct hearings in accordance with § 31-38-17. These hearings shall be governed by rules to be adopted by the director of the department of revenue, and the director of the department of revenue shall not be bound by technical rules […]
§ 31-38-19. Severability. The provisions of this chapter will be severable and if any of the provisions shall be held to be invalid the decision of the court respecting the provision or provisions shall not affect the validity of any other provision which can be given effect without the invalid provision. History of Section.P.L. 1977, […]
§ 31-38-2. Inspection by any proper officer. (a) The director of the department of revenue, members of the state and local police, and any other officers and employees of the division of motor vehicles as the director of the department of revenue may designate, may at any time require the seller at retail or driver […]
§ 31-38-20. Appropriations and disbursements. The general assembly shall annually appropriate, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, any sums that it may deem necessary for the purpose of this chapter. The state controller is authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of the sum, or […]
§ 31-38-3. Owners and drivers to comply with inspection laws. (a) No seller at retail or person driving a vehicle shall refuse to submit the vehicle to an inspection and test as required by § 31-38-2. (b) Every seller at retail, owner, or driver, upon receiving a notice as provided in § 31-38-2, shall comply […]
§ 31-38-4. Director of department of revenue to require periodic inspection. (a)(1) The director of revenue shall at least once each year, but not more frequently than twice each year, or on the schedule defined pursuant to chapter 47.1 of this title require that every vehicle, trailer, semitrailer, and pole trailer registered in this state […]
§ 31-38-5. Inspection of vehicles purchased outside the state. When a motor vehicle is purchased out of state by a resident of this state, the owner of the vehicle shall have five (5) business days from the date of registering the vehicle to obtain a certificate of inspection as required by the provisions of this […]
§ 31-38-6. Appointment of official inspection stations. (a) For the purpose of making inspections and issuing official certificates of inspection and approval as provided in this chapter, the director of the department of revenue, or the director’s designee, shall issue permits for and furnish instructions and all necessary forms to official inspection stations for the […]
§ 31-38-7. Operation of official stations. (a) No permit for an official station shall be assigned or transferred or used at any location other than designated in it, and the permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place at the designated location. (b) The state-certified person operating an official inspection station shall issue a certificate […]
§ 31-38-8. Improper representation as official station. (a) No person shall in any manner represent any place as an official inspection station unless the station is operating under a valid permit issued by the director of the department of revenue or the director’s designee. (b) No person other than a state certified employee of an […]
§ 31-38-9. False certificates. (a) No person shall make, issue, or knowingly use any imitation or counterfeit of an official certificate of inspection. (b) No person shall display or cause or permit to be displayed, upon any vehicle any certificate of inspection and approval knowing the certificate to be fictitious or issued for another vehicle […]