§ 32-2-1. Area included in district. The jurisdiction and powers of the director of environmental management, insofar as the jurisdiction and powers relate to metropolitan parks, shall extend to, and may be exercised in, the cities of Providence, Pawtucket, Cranston, Warwick, and Central Falls; the towns of East Providence, Johnston, North Providence, Lincoln, and Barrington; […]
§ 32-2-10. Appointment of park police. The director of the department of environmental management may, from time to time, appoint one or more persons who may act at the expense of the funds to the credit of the director of environmental management, in the hands of the general treasurer, as police officers upon the premises, […]
§ 32-2-11. Powers of park police. All full-time park policemen assigned to the division of enforcement within the department of environmental management, including the chief of the division and the chief of the metropolitan park police, shall have and may exercise, on any property under the jurisdiction of the department of environmental management, with regard […]
§ 32-2-12. Park police auxiliary force. The director of the department of environmental management is authorized to recruit, train, and organize a park police auxiliary force to serve on a seasonal or part-time basis and possessing such qualifications as he or she shall determine. The park police auxiliary force shall at all times be under […]
§ 32-2-13. Duties of auxiliary force — Limitations. Members of the park police auxiliary force shall be equipped with uniforms prescribed by the chief of the division of enforcement and delegated specific police powers and specific police duties. They may bear and use firearms only when specifically authorized by the chief and only when in […]
§ 32-2-14. Use of state owned golf courses. No fee shall be charged to any person who is sixty-five (65) years of age or older and who is eligible to participate in the Rhode Island pharmaceutical assistance to the elderly program and an entrance fee not exceeding one half (½) of the established and posted […]
§ 32-2-15. Local police authority. All members of local city and town police departments shall have, and may exercise, all powers and authority of police officers on any property under the jurisdiction of the department of environmental management and within the territory of the respective city or town with regard to the enforcement of the […]
§ 32-2-2. Acquisition of land for parks. The department of environmental management shall have the power to acquire, maintain, and make available to the inhabitants of the metropolitan park district, and to the public generally, open spaces for exercise and recreation, and for intercommunication between them and adjacent streets and highways; and to this end, […]
§ 32-2-3. Purchase of land by agreement. If any person shall agree in writing with the director for the price of his or her land or for his or her interest, right, or estate therein, so taken, the amount thus agreed upon shall be paid to him or her forthwith upon the delivery by him […]
§ 32-2-4. Rules and regulations — Enforcement — Powers of director. (a) The director of the department of environmental management may make rules and regulations for the control, government, and use of all the public properties and highways under his or her care. A person violating the rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to this section […]
§ 32-2-5. Disbursement of funds held in treasury. To meet the expenses incurred under the foregoing provisions of this chapter, the state controller is hereby authorized and directed, upon receipt of vouchers properly authenticated by the director of environmental management, to draw his or her orders on the general treasurer for the payment of the […]
§ 32-2-6. Acceptance of gifts — Metropolitan park trust fund. The general treasurer is hereby directed, authorized, and empowered, with the approval of the governor, to receive, take title to, and hold in trust for the state, exempt from taxation, any gift, grant, or devise, of lands or interests, estates or rights therein, and any […]
§ 32-2-7. Agreements with cities and towns — Transfer of control of parks. Any city or town within the metropolitan park district is hereby authorized and empowered to transfer the care and control of any open space owned or controlled by it to the department of environmental management, upon such terms and conditions and for […]
§ 32-2-8. Commissioners — Apportionment of expenses. (a) The superior court shall, on the application of the director of environmental management, and after notice to each of the cities and towns hereinbefore designated, appoint three (3) commissioners who shall not be residents of those cities and towns, who shall, after the notice and hearing, and […]
§ 32-2-9. Payment of assessments by cities and towns. The amount of money required each year from each city and town of the metropolitan park district to meet the interest, sinking fund requirements, and expenses for each year, and the deficiency, if any, shall be estimated by the general treasurer in accordance with the proportion […]