§ 35-6-1. Controller — Duties in general. (a) Within the department of administration there shall be a controller who shall be appointed by the director of administration pursuant to chapter 4 of title 36. The controller shall be responsible for accounting and expenditure control and shall be required to: (1) Administer a comprehensive accounting and […]
§ 35-6-10. Appropriation accounts. The controller shall open an account with each appropriation made by the general assembly, in which he or she shall credit the object for which the appropriation shall be made with the amount appropriated, and shall charge the several orders drawn against the same. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 34, § […]
§ 35-6-11. Examination and certification of accounts and claims. The controller shall examine, adjust, and determine all accounts and claims against the state, for the payment of which provision shall have been made by law, and by appropriations made therefor, and shall certify to the general treasurer the amount due and allowed by him or […]
§ 35-6-12. Disallowance of claims or accounts. Whenever any claim or account shall be disallowed by the state controller, he or she shall state upon or annex to the account or claim his or her reasons for disallowing the claim or account, and shall also keep a record thereof, or at least of the date, […]
§ 35-6-13. Transmission of accounts allowed by courts. Every account allowed by the supreme court, superior court, family court, workers’ compensation court, district court, or traffic tribunal, and every certificate allowed for any attendance in these courts in cases provided by law, and every account or bill of costs, with the items thereof, allowed by […]
§ 35-6-14. Payments for compensation of jurors. The state controller, based upon a statement exhibited to him or her by the jury commissioner to the supreme court director of finance, may draw an order on the general treasurer in favor of the jury commissioner for a sum certain to pay the jurors for their travel […]
§ 35-6-15. Payment of general assembly members. The secretary of state and the clerks of the house of representatives shall, every thirty (30) days during each session of the general assembly and at the close of each session of the general assembly, severally prepare statements of the amounts to which the members of their respective […]
§ 35-6-16. Payments for work on projects specifically appropriated for. Whenever the general assembly shall make any appropriation for the erection or repair of any public building, or any armory of any military company, or any appropriation for any specified work to be done and performed, the state controller shall require satisfactory proof that the […]
§ 35-6-17. Payments on private appropriations. All appropriations of a private nature made by the general assembly shall be payable on the check of the general treasurer, out of any funds in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, on the order of the state controller, and be charged to the account or accounts allowed by the […]
§ 35-6-18. Records of unpaid checks. The state controller is authorized and empowered to make and keep, upon a book prepared for that purpose, a detailed statement or record of all checks signed by the general treasurer of the state, which may be payable on account of any appropriation made by the general assembly, which […]
§ 35-6-19. Records of orders and vouchers — Destruction of obsolete vouchers. The state controller shall keep a record of all orders drawn by him or her for the payment of money out of the state treasury, which record shall show, as to each order, the date issued, the identification number thereof, the name of […]
§ 35-6-2. Uniform system of accounting — Establishment. The department of administration is authorized and directed to establish a uniform system of accounting for all state departments and agencies and to require all accounts of the departments and agencies to be kept in accordance therewith; provided, that in any case in which the uniform system […]
§ 35-6-20. Audit of accounts of officers receiving money for state. The department of administration shall examine and audit all accounts between the state and clerks of courts, sheriffs, jailers, town councils, town treasurers, and licensed persons from whom an account is by law required, and all other persons indebted to the state, or who […]
§ 35-6-21. Repealed.
§ 35-6-22. Repealed. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 34, § 16; C.P.A. 1905, § 1092; G.L. 1909, ch. 44, § 17; G.L. 1923, ch. 45, § 17; G.L. 1938, ch. 7, § 19; impl. am. P.L. 1951, ch. 2727, art. 1, § 2; G.L. 1956; § 35-6-22; P.L. 2012, ch. 324, § 70; Repealed by […]
§ 35-6-23. Payment of costs of witnesses in criminal cases. Whenever any witness shall have been discharged from further attendance at the superior court at a session in any case, in pursuance of any summons issued in behalf of the state, the deputy sheriff shall forthwith obtain the proper certificate of the travel and attendance […]
§ 35-6-24. Certification of fees for summoning state witnesses. The deputy sheriff shall certify in one of the books, under the proper title of the case and the division thereof to which his or her fees apply, the amount of his or her fees for summoning each witness in behalf of the state, the number […]
§ 35-6-25. Advance of estimated costs of witnesses before grand jury. At or before the summoning in of any grand jury in any county, and from time to time during any session thereof, the deputy sheriff may estimate the amount of money requisite for the payment of the witnesses, for the officers’ fees for summoning […]
§ 35-6-26. Settlement of costs of state witnesses. Every officer receiving any money from the treasury for disbursement as provided in §§ 35-6-22 — 35-6-25 shall, within ten (10) days after the disposition of the criminal trials before juries for the session, or portion of the session, as the case may be, for which the […]
§ 35-6-27. Repealed. History of Section.G.L. 1896, ch. 34, § 21; C.P.A. 1905, § 1094; G.L. 1909, ch. 44, § 22; G.L. 1923, ch. 45, § 22; G.L. 1938, ch. 7, § 24; impl. am. P.L. 1951, ch. 2727, art. 1, § 2; G.L. 1956, § 35-6-27; Repealed by P.L. 2015, ch. 254, § 2, […]