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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 36 - Public Officers and Employees » Chapter 36-11 - Organization of State Employees

Section 36-11-1. – Right to organize — Bargaining representatives.

§ 36-11-1. Right to organize — Bargaining representatives. (a) State employees, except for casual employees or seasonal employees, shall have the right to organize and designate representatives of their own choosing for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours, and other conditions of employment. State employees, as used in this chapter, shall […]

Section 36-11-1.1. – Definitions.

§ 36-11-1.1. Definitions. The following terms as used in this chapter shall have the following meaning: (1) “Casual employees” shall mean those persons hired for an occasional period to perform special jobs or functions not necessarily related to the work performed by the regular employees in the collective bargaining unit. (2) “Seasonal employees” shall mean […]

Section 36-11-10. – Factors to be considered by the arbitrator.

§ 36-11-10. Factors to be considered by the arbitrator. The factors, among others, to be given weight by the arbitrator in arriving at a decision shall include: (1) Comparison of wage rates or hourly conditions of employment of the state employees involved with the prevailing wage rates or hourly conditions of employment maintained for the […]

Section 36-11-11. – Fees and expenses of arbitrator.

§ 36-11-11. Fees and expenses of arbitrator. Fees and necessary expenses of arbitration shall be borne equally by the bargaining agent and the chief executive except that the transcript of proceedings required to be kept of the arbitration hearing shall be borne solely by the state. History of Section.P.L. 1972, ch. 277, § 3.

Section 36-11-13. – Affirmative action provisions.

§ 36-11-13. Affirmative action provisions. (a) The director of the department of administration shall direct the associate director of human resources to include proposals for affirmative action provisions as a subject for all collective bargaining negotiations. The proposals shall include, at a minimum but not limited to, the following personnel actions: recruitment; new hires; promotions; […]

Section 36-11-2. – Discrimination because of membership in employee organization prohibited.

§ 36-11-2. Discrimination because of membership in employee organization prohibited. (a) There shall be no discrimination against any state employee because the employee has formed, joined, or chosen to be represented by any labor or employee organization. (b) Supervisory employees shall not endorse any particular labor or employee organization or by reason of membership in […]

Section 36-11-3. – Action on grievances.

§ 36-11-3. Action on grievances. It shall be the responsibility of supervisors at all levels to consider, and commensurate with authority delegated by the head of the state department or agency, to take appropriate action promptly and fairly upon the grievances of their subordinates. To this end, appropriate authority shall be delegated to supervisors by […]

Section 36-11-4. – Applicability.

§ 36-11-4. Applicability. The provisions of this chapter and the procedures established hereunder shall be applicable in any state department or agency to conditions which are in whole or part subject to the control of the head of the department or agency and which involve conditions of employment. History of Section.P.L. 1958, ch. 178, § […]

Section 36-11-6. – Powers of representative organizations.

§ 36-11-6. Powers of representative organizations. Organizations representing state employees, firefighters as defined in § 28-9.1-3, and police officers as defined in § 28-9.2-3, shall enjoy all the benefits of and be subject to all the provisions of chapter 7 of title 28, except that those employees shall not have the right to strike. History […]

Section 36-11-7. – Obligation to bargain.

§ 36-11-7. Obligation to bargain. It shall be the obligation of the chief executive or his or her designee (appointed, elected, or possessing classified status) to meet and confer in good faith with the representatives of the state employees’ bargaining agent within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice from the bargaining agent of […]

Section 36-11-7.1. – Unresolved issues submitted to mediation.

§ 36-11-7.1. Unresolved issues submitted to mediation. (a) In the event that the bargaining agent and the chief executive or his or her designee are unable, within thirty (30) days from and including the date of their first meeting, to reach an agreement on a contract, either of them may request mediation and conciliation upon […]

Section 36-11-8. – Unresolved issues — Conciliation or fact finding.

§ 36-11-8. Unresolved issues — Conciliation or fact finding. In the event that the bargaining agent and the chief executive or his or her designee are unable, within thirty (30) days from and including the date of their first meeting, to reach an agreement on a contract, any and all unresolved issues shall, within three […]

Section 36-11-9. – Binding arbitration — Procedure.

§ 36-11-9. Binding arbitration — Procedure. (a) All issues remaining in dispute after the procedures for voluntary resolution of issues provided in § 36-11-8 are exhausted shall be referred to final and binding arbitration and decision. An arbitrator shall be selected within fifteen (15) days from lists of certified arbitrators submitted by and in accordance […]