§ 39-32-1. Definitions. As used in this chapter: (1) “Authority” means a city, town, or any other state or municipal government subdivision, agency, or entity that is authorized by law to regulate or control the use of the public rights-of-way or the construction or installation of poles or wireless facilities or that owns or controls […]
§ 39-32-2. Regulation of small wireless facilities. (a) A wireless service provider authorized to do business in this state or a contractor acting on its behalf may collocate small wireless facilities within, along, across, upon, and under any public right-of-way in this state, including state highways and freeways, and may construct conduit, cables, and facilities […]
§ 39-32-3. Collocation of small wireless facilities on authority poles and authority structures. An authority may require a person to obtain a building, electrical, or a public right-of-way use or work permit to collocate small wireless facilities on authority poles or authority structures, provided such permits are of general applicability and do not apply exclusively […]
§ 39-32-4. Action on permit applications. (a) An authority shall approve an application for a permit under this chapter unless the collocation does not meet applicable building or electrical codes or, if applicable, standards for construction in the right-of-way, provided such codes and standards are of general applicability. The authority must document the basis for […]
§ 39-32-5. Additional terms for collocation on authority poles and structures. (a) Within six (6) months of receiving its first request to collocate small wireless facilities on authority poles located within the public rights-of-way, but in no event later than April 1, 2018, an authority shall establish, by ordinance, regulation, or rule, nondiscriminatory, competitively neutral, […]
§ 39-32-6. Collocation of small wireless facilities on private poles and structures. (a) An authority may not prohibit, regulate, or charge for the collocation of small wireless facilities on poles or structures other than authority poles and authority structures. (b) A wireless service provider may install poles in the public rights-of-way in order to collocate […]