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Home » US Law » 2022 Rhode Island General Laws » Title 42 - State Affairs and Government » Chapter 42-64.19 - Executive Office of Commerce

Section 42-64.19-1. – Statement of intent.

§ 42-64.19-1. Statement of intent. The purpose of this chapter is to develop an integrated system of economic development activities while preserving and protecting the safety and quality of life for the citizens of Rhode Island and to promote the economic viability of the Rhode Island economy, and ensure the efficient use of all available […]

Section 42-64.19-10. – Rules and regulations.

§ 42-64.19-10. Rules and regulations. The executive office of commerce shall be deemed an agency for purposes of § 42-35-1 et seq. The secretary shall make and promulgate such rules and regulations, fee schedules not inconsistent with state law and fiscal policies and procedures as he or she deems necessary for the proper administration of […]

Section 42-64.19-11. – Severability.

§ 42-64.19-11. Severability. If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter, which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared […]

Section 42-64.19-12. – Cooperation of other state executive branch agencies.

§ 42-64.19-12. Cooperation of other state executive branch agencies. As may be appropriate from time to time, the departments and other agencies of the state of the executive branch that have not been assigned to the executive office of commerce under this chapter shall assist and cooperate with the executive office as may be required […]

Section 42-64.19-2. – Purposes.

§ 42-64.19-2. Purposes. The Rhode Island executive office of commerce is authorized, created, and established as the state’s lead agency for economic development throughout Rhode Island for the following purposes: To promote and encourage the preservation, expansion, and sound development of new and existing industry, business, commerce, agriculture, tourism, and recreational facilities in the state, […]

Section 42-64.19-3. – Executive office of commerce.

§ 42-64.19-3. Executive office of commerce. (a) There is hereby established within the executive branch of state government an executive office of commerce effective February 1, 2015, to serve as the principal agency of the executive branch of state government for managing the promotion of commerce and the economy within the state and shall have […]

Section 42-64.19-4. – Secretary of commerce — Appointment.

§ 42-64.19-4. Secretary of commerce — Appointment. The executive office of commerce shall be administered by a secretary of commerce, hereafter referred to as “secretary.” The position of secretary is hereby created in the unclassified service. The secretary shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The secretary shall […]

Section 42-64.19-5. – Responsibilities of the secretary.

§ 42-64.19-5. Responsibilities of the secretary. (a) The secretary shall be responsible to the governor for supervising the executive office of commerce, improving the functions and operations of Rhode Island state government to be clear, reliable, predictable, and as responsive and user-friendly to the state’s business community as is practicable, for managing and providing strategic […]

Section 42-64.19-6. – Duties of the secretary.

§ 42-64.19-6. Duties of the secretary. The secretary shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the governor for the oversight, coordination and cohesive direction of state economic development activities of the state and in ensuring the laws are faithfully executed, notwithstanding any law to the contrary. In this capacity, the secretary of commerce […]

Section 42-64.19-8. – Appointment of employees.

§ 42-64.19-8. Appointment of employees. The secretary, subject to the provisions of applicable state law, shall be the appointing authority for all employees of the executive office of commerce. The secretary may assign this function to such subordinate officers and employees of the executive office as may to him or her seem feasible or desirable. […]

Section 42-64.19-9. – Appropriations and disbursements.

§ 42-64.19-9. Appropriations and disbursements. The general assembly shall annually appropriate such sums as it may deem necessary for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter. The state controller is hereby authorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of such sum or sums, […]