13-7-10. Date and hours of annual school elections–Procedure for absentee voting, voter registration, and counting ballots. The annual election for school districts shall be held between the second Tuesday in April and the third Tuesday in June between the hours of seven a.m. and seven p.m. of the day of the election. The school board […]
13-7-10.1. Joint school district and municipal elections authorized–Date–Sharing costs and responsibilities. The members of the governing body of a school district may choose to hold a general school district election in conjunction with a regular municipal election. The combined election is subject to approval by the governing body of the municipality. The combined election shall […]
13-7-10.2. Notices and nomination procedure for certain joint elections. If the joint election provided for in §13-7-10.1 is held on the second Tuesday in April, no candidate for elective school board membership may be nominated unless the candidate is a resident voter of the school district and unless a nominating petition has been filed on […]
13-7-10.3. Joint school board and primary elections. Any other provision of this chapter notwithstanding, the school board may choose to hold the school board election in conjunction with the regular June primary election. The combined election is subject to approval by the county commissions of the counties in which the school district is located. Expenses […]
13-7-10.4. Notices and nomination procedure for joint board and primary elections. For any school board election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June, the deadlines in this section apply. The school’s election official shall publish the notice provided in §13-7-5 between February fifteenth and March first. No nominating petition may be […]
13-7-11. Voting precincts and polling places. The number and place of voting precincts shall be determined by the school board. Source: SDC 1939, §15.2513; SL 1955, ch 41, ch 9, §15; SL 1957, ch 65; SDC Supp 1960, §15.2315; SL 1975, ch 128, §38.
13-7-12. Precinct superintendents and precinct deputies of school elections–Compensation. Each voting precinct shall be presided over by an election board consisting of a minimum of two precinct deputies and one precinct superintendent appointed by the school board. Members of school boards may serve on election boards. Each precinct superintendent and precinct deputy other than members […]
13-7-13. Ballots and election supplies–Form and content of ballots–Absentee ballots. The business manager of the school district shall provide proper ballots, pollbooks, voting booths, and necessary supplies as required by law to the proper election officials on election day. The ballots shall be as prescribed by the State Board of Elections. The quantity of ballots […]
13-7-14. Absentee voting in school elections. Absentee voting shall be permitted in school district elections, including school district bond elections and shall be conducted pursuant to chapter 12-19. The school board, with the approval of the county auditor and board of county commissioners, may permit absentee ballots to be voted at the county auditor’s office […]
13-7-17. Certification of school district election returns–Preservation of ballots and ballot boxes. The returns from a school district election shall be certified by the election board in each polling place, and the ballots, properly sealed in ballot boxes, together with the pollbooks, shall be placed in the custody of the school district’s business manager, who […]
13-7-18. Canvass of election results–Certificates of election–Certification of results. The pollbooks shall be opened and the election results shall be canvassed by the school board at the next meeting and certificates of election shall be issued by the business manager of the district to each successful candidate and election results shall be certified to the […]
13-7-19.1. Tie vote–Recount procedure–Resolution by lot. If a tie vote exists after the canvass of the original official returns, the school board making the canvass shall certify the vote to the business manager. The business manager shall then notify the candidates that if no request for recount is made in writing to the business manager […]
13-7-19.2. Close margin in school board election–Request for recount–Recount board established. If any candidate for the school board is defeated by a margin not exceeding two percent of the total votes cast for all candidates for the office, the candidate may, within five days after completion of the official canvass, file with the business manager […]
13-7-19.3. Close margin in school election–Petition for recount–Appointment of recount board–Production of ballot boxes–Disputes. A recount shall be conducted if, within five days after completion of the official canvass of a school district regular or special election at which a question is approved or disapproved by a margin not exceeding two percent of the total […]
13-7-19.4. Compensation of recount board. In school district election recounts there shall be paid out of the general fund of the school district to the members of the recount board compensation set by the school board, to be not less than the minimum wage established by §60-11-3. Source: SL 1982, ch 134, §3.
13-7-27. Definitions. The terms “election,” “candidate,” “election officials,” “elector,” “voter,” and “registration officials” when used in a school district election or petition are defined in §12-1-3. Source: SL 1985, ch 119, §10.
13-7-3. Public offices incompatible with board membership. No elective county, municipal, or state officer or the holder of any other office, the duties of which are incompatible or inconsistent with the duties of a school board member, shall be eligible for such membership. Source: SL 1955, ch 41, ch 9, §9; SDC Supp 1960, §15.2309; […]
13-7-30. Information regarding school elections to be provided in school board minutes. For the most recent annual school election conducted in each school district as provided in §13-7-10, each school board shall provide in the school board minutes the following information: (1)The number of registered voters of the school district on the date voter registration […]
13-7-31. Time for providing election information. The school election information required in §13-7-30 shall be provided within sixty days of the official canvass. Source: SL 2018, ch 91, §2.
13-7-4. Registration of voters–Notice of registration. Registration to vote and notice of registration in school district elections shall be as provided in chapter 12-4. Source: SL 1955, ch 41, ch 9, §15; SL 1957, ch 65; SDC Supp 1960, §15.2315; SL 1961, ch 92, §24; SL 1975, ch 119, §18; SL 1975, ch 128, §31.