13-53-1. Departments and courses of study–Textbooks–Admission and graduation requirements. The Board of Regents may establish the departments and courses of study, in the institutions under its control, as it thinks best, to determine what textbooks shall be used, what requirements for the admission and graduation of students shall be maintained. Source: SDC 1939, §15.0713; SL […]
13-53-1.1. Draft registration compliance as prerequisite to enrollment–Statement of registration compliance. No male person born after December 31, 1959, may enroll at any state-supported college or university until such person has filed with the institution a statement of registration compliance. In such a statement of registration compliance, the person shall certify, under oath, either that […]
13-53-1.2. Form for statement of registration compliance–Inclusion in application. The Board of Regents shall prescribe the form for the statement of registration compliance provided by §13-53-1.1 and shall insure that the statement of registration compliance be included in applications for all new and transfer students. Source: SL 1988, ch 159, §2.
13-53-1.3. Postsecondary institutions may offer elective course in American sign language. Any postsecondary educational institution controlled by the State Board of Regents may offer an elective course in American sign language according to policy adopted by the Board of Regents. Source: SL 1991, ch 148, §4.
13-53-11. Federal funds and institutional endowment income paid to state treasurer–Credit to institution. Money received for the use and benefit of any of the educational institutions under the control of the Board of Regents from the United States, or from interest on the permanent funds or from leases of land granted to the State of […]
13-53-14. Institutional officer appointed to receive fees and charges–Payment into treasury. All money received by such institution for rents of state owned dormitories, tuition, or other fees authorized by the board, except such rents, fees, and other moneys specifically authorized to be placed in other funds, or from articles, products, or materials sold by its […]
13-53-15. Receipt by state treasurer of institutional moneys–Distribution. The state treasurer shall receive and receipt all money arising from any of the educational institutions under the control of the Board of Regents. Any tuition collected pursuant to §13-53-6 shall be deposited eighty-eight and one-half percent into the tuition and fees fund which is hereby created […]
13-53-15.3. Medical school funds. Notwithstanding the provisions of §13-53-15, medical school deposits into the higher education facilities fund shall equal eleven and one-half percent of the medical school tuition and fee revenue minus one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars. Source: SL 1984, ch 132; SL 1996, ch 131, §§2, 3; SL 2016, ch 109, §11, eff. […]
13-53-17. Expenditure of federal funds limited to amounts received during year–Approval of budget excesses. The expenditure of moneys for programs or activities financed from any moneys or grants received from the United States shall be limited to the amounts of receipts received for such purposes during a fiscal year and any amounts received during a […]
13-53-18. Board approval of expenditures required–Indebtedness limited to available funds–Expenditures limited by legal purposes. Except as provided in §13-53-19, expenditures shall be made only by express authority of the Board of Regents first obtained, and no indebtedness shall ever be permitted or incurred except against funds already available for such purpose, and no expenditure from […]
13-53-19. Delegation of authority for expenditures to institutional officer–Bond–Method of expenditures and purposes. The Board of Regents may by resolution delegate the authority described in §13-53-18 to an officer or employee of the institution for which the expenditure is to be made who has furnished to the State of South Dakota a good and sufficient […]
13-53-2. Unnecessary duplication of departments and facilities prohibited. The Board of Regents is expressly forbidden to continue or to create chairs, departments, laboratories, libraries, or other equipment in multiplication, except where the obvious needs of the special work of the school make such multiplication necessary. Source: SDC 1939, §15.0713.
13-53-20. Examination of vouchers and claims by state auditor–Issuance and transmittal of warrant. Whenever a properly authenticated voucher approved by the Board of Regents, or officer or employee with unrevoked delegated authority under §13-53-19, is presented to the state auditor, it shall be his duty to audit and adjust the same, and, for the sums […]
13-53-21. Insurance against loss or damage to educational materials and equipment at institutions. The State Board of Regents is hereby empowered and authorized to procure insurance protecting the books, manuscripts, papers, periodicals, records, computers, television equipment, equipment used for instructional or research purposes, and works of art, owned by the State of South Dakota and […]
13-53-22. Institutions named as insured in policies. Policies of insurance purchased by the State Board of Regents pursuant to the authority granted in §13-53-21 shall in each instance name as insured the state institution which uses or at which is located the particular property covered by such insurance. Source: SL 1970, ch 129, §2.
13-53-23. Payment of insurance premiums. The State Board of Regents is hereby empowered and authorized to expend from any funds available for college and university operations sufficient amounts to pay the costs of premiums of any insurance purchased pursuant to the authority granted in §13-53-21. Source: SL 1970, ch 129, §3.
13-53-23.1. Residence defined. For the purpose of §§13-53-23 to 13-53-41, inclusive, residence, means the place where a person has a permanent home, at which the person remains when not called elsewhere for labor, studies, or other special or temporary purposes, and to which the person returns at times of repose. It is the place a […]
13-53-24. Twelve-month residency requirement to qualify as resident student. A person entering the state from another state or country does not at that time become a resident for the purposes of §§13-53-23 to 13-53-41, inclusive, unless, except as provided in §§13-53-29 to 13-53-29.2, inclusive, the person is a resident for twelve months in order to […]
13-53-25. Residence in state for sole purpose of attending institution of higher education not counted for residency requirement. Physical presence in South Dakota for the predominant purpose of attending a college, university, or other institution of higher education does not count in determining the twelve-month period of residence. Absence from South Dakota for such purpose […]
13-53-26. Twelve months of residency must immediately precede first day of classes. A person shall be classified as a resident student if the person has continuously resided in South Dakota for at least twelve consecutive months immediately preceding the first scheduled day of classes of the semester or other session in which the individual registers […]