13-67-1. Athletic teams and sports–Designation by sex–Participation. Any interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, or club athletic team, sport, or athletic event that is sponsored or sanctioned by an accredited school, school district, an activities association or organization, or an institution of higher education under the control of either the Board of Regents or the Board of Technical […]
13-67-2. Complaint–Investigation–Harm incurred by athlete. If a student suffers direct or indirect harm as a result of a violation of §13-67-1, that student has a private cause of action for injunctive, mandamus, and declaratory relief, against the accredited school, school district, activities association or organization, or institution of higher education under the control of either […]
13-67-3. Harm incurred by institution. If an accredited school, school district, or institution of higher education under the control of either the Board of Regents or the Board of Technical Education suffers any direct or indirect harm as a result of a violation of §13-67-1, that school, school district, or institution of higher education has […]
13-67-4. Limitation of actions–Attorney fees. No governmental entity, accredited school, school district, or institution of higher education may be liable to any student for its compliance with §13-67-1. A civil action under §13-67-2 or 13-67-3 must be initiated within two years from the date the alleged harm occurred. Any party prevailing on a claim brought […]
13-67-5. Lawsuit–Public defense–Costs assumed by state. For any lawsuit brought or any complaint filed against an accredited school, a school district, or an institution of higher education under the control of either the Board of Regents or the Board of Technical Education, or an employee, board, or a member thereof, as a result of compliance […]